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The effect of constant loading on the mechanical behavior of bulk adhesive


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-10-15


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:993-1007

ISSN No.:0021-8464

Key Words:Automotive; bulk adhesive; creep strain; epoxy; stress analysis; temperature

Abstract:The aim of this research was to develop an experimental-numerical approach to characterize the effect of constant loading coupled with elevated temperature on epoxy bulk adhesive and to predict the stress degradation of bulk adhesive specimen under 15% and 25% tensile failure loads for the automotive industry. A power-law creep model was built to simulate the effect of temperature and loading on adhesive mechanical behavior, and the related strength degradation simulation has also been implemented using a creep strain-dependent ductile damage model. Experiments were conducted on bulk adhesive specimens under constant temperature coupled with mechanical load, and the corresponding experimental results provided creep parameters for the simulation procedure as well as effective validation with the numerical results in this study. The results obtained from experiments and numerical simulations were also in good agreement.

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