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Analysis of the performance of adhesively bonded corrugated core sandwich structures using cohesive zone method


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2020-01-01


Included Journals:EI、SCIE



Page Number:104-124

ISSN No.:1099-6362

Key Words:Corrugated core; sandwich structure; adhesively bonded; three-point bending; cohesive zone model

Abstract:Stress analysis of adhesively bonded joints of sandwich structures is more complex. Only a few research works have studied this subject. The major obstacle is finding the stress distribution at the adhesive layer of sandwich structures under different loading conditions. This paper presents a study on stress distribution at the adhesive joints of the corrugated sandwich structure subjected to three-point bending using the cohesive zone model. Firstly, three cases of sandwich models with different types of glue on both longitudinal and transverse loading directions were calculated using cohesive zone model, and then the corresponding experiments were carried out and compared to prove the FEM results to validate the results through both load-displacement curves and failure deformation modes. Secondly, the cohesive zone model simulation was used to obtain the detailed stress distribution at the bonding joint with the effect of four major geometrical parameters: adhesive layer thickness, corrugated panel thickness, face panel thickness and adhesive joint width. Lastly, the results of stress analysis showed that the stress distribution is not uniform and is highly affected by the bonding joint's geometrical parameters, adhesive layer thickness and adhesive joint width.

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