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Date of Publication:2019-01-01


Affiliation of Author(s):运载工程与力学学部



Page Number:37-44

ISSN No.:0577-6686

Abstract:Hybrid bond-riveted technique has been widely applied in vehicle and aerospace fields in recent years. However, the fabrication process of large structural component can inevitably introduce defects in the adhesive layer and thus affect the joint service performance. Different forms of artificial defects are introduced in adhesive layer of hybrid bond-riveted single and double lap joints, simulating defects in the adhesive layer during the manufacture process, to study the effect of local defect on the lap shear mechanical performance of hybrid joint. The hybrid bond-riveted single and double lap joints are manufactured with 6061-T6 aluminium alloy as the adherend, and the artificial defects using Teflon spacer with different thicknesses, areas, shapes and locations are placed in the inner region of the adhesive layer before adhesive curing. Quasi-static tensile testing is then conducted on the ready-cured hybrid joint, and macroscopic observation and scanning electron microscopy are used to analyse the failure modes on the failure surface. Experimental results reveal that the dominant failure mode in the adhesive layer is cohesive failure, and the location, area and thickness of introduced defects in the adhesive layer have different degrees of effect on the failure load as well as the failure strength of the joint, while negligible effect is found in the shape of the defect. The failure load of double lap joint without defects is 1.62 times than that of single lap, and the failure strength of the adhesive layer in single lap joint is 1.24 times than that of double lap. The failure load of double lap joint with circular defects is twice than that of single lap, while the failure strength is not significantly affected. Based on the experimental data, effective evaluation method on the failure strength of hybrid bond-riveted joint with defects can be provided for practical structural design. ? 2019 Journal of Mechanical Engineering.


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