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Paper Publications
Han Xiao
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Associate Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
[31]Han Xiao, Jin, Yong, zhangwei, Wenbin Hou, Yu, Ye.Characterisation of moisture diffusion and strength degradation in an epoxy-based structural ad...[J],JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,32(15):1643-1657
[32]WU Chengwei, Wei Zhang, Han Xiao, Zhang, Y. X., GJ MA.A systematic review for structure optimization and clamping load design of large proton exchang...[J],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2022,476
[33]Akhmet, Ganiy, Yu, Ye, huping, Wenbin Hou, Han Xiao.Analysis of the performance of adhesively bonded corrugated core sandwich structures using cohe...[J],JOURNAL OF SANDWICH STRUCTURES MATERIALS,2022,22(1):104-124
[34]liuyang, Zhou, Shan, Han Xiao, Yan, Chengcheng, Lei, Zhenglong, Wang Xiaofeng.Analysis of the influence of a new type of buccal tube base mesh design on the adhesive layer s...[J],JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,34(18):2011-2030
[35]Han Xiao, Akhmet, G., zhangwei, Chao, Y. X., Jin, Y., YU YAN, huping, Ibraimov, A..The effect of adhesive fillet on mechanical performance of adhesively bonded corrugated sandwic...[J],JOURNAL OF ADHESION,2022,96(5):515-537
[36]liweidong, Tang, L. P., Han Xiao, Gao, E. P..The effect of constant loading on the mechanical behavior of bulk adhesive[J],JOURNAL OF ADHESION,2022,93(12):993-1007
[37]Gao, Tianhan, Liang Ying, huping, Han Xiao, Rong, Hai, Wu, Yi, Sun, Jingshuai.Investigation on mechanical behavior and plastic damage of AA7075 aluminum alloy by thermal sma...[J],Journal of Manufacturing Processes,2022,50:1-16
[38]bairuixiang, Bao, Shuanghua, Lei Zhenkun, chengyan, Han Xiao.Finite element inversion method for interfacial stress analysis of composite single-lap adhesiv...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES,2022,81:48-55
[39]huping, Shao, Qi, liweidong, Han Xiao.Experimental and numerical analysis on load capacity and failure process of T-joint: Effect pro...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES,2022,38:17-24
[40]Zhang, Yuxiang, majianli, WU Chengwei, Han Xiao, zhangwei, Zhan, Wei.Effects of moisture ingress on the mesoscale mechanical properties of epoxy adhesives under eleva...[J],POLYMER TESTING,2022,94
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