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学科:计算力学. 工程力学. 固体力学
- [1]任懿, 郑元鹏, 何宜谦.基于机电耦合技术的反射面天线设计综述[A],中国计算力学大会2012,2022,1-16
- [2]何宜谦, 杨海天.基于群论的求解旋转周期结构弹性问题的比例边界有限元法[A],中国计算力学大会2012,2022,1-10
- [3]黄明亮, 赵宁, 刘爽, 何宜谦.晶圆级芯片尺寸封装Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu 焊点跌落失效模式[J],Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2022,26(6):1663-1669
- [4]杨海天, 何宜谦, 陈国胜.无网格伽辽金法求解平面偶应力问题[J],计算力学学报,2022,27(4):590-595
- [5]王霄腾, 薛齐文, 何宜谦.求解粘弹性问题的时域自适应等几何比例边界有限元分析[A],第十一届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-11),2022,1
- [6]何宜谦, 王霄腾, 祝雪峰, 杨海天, 薛齐文.求解粘弹性问题的时域自适应等几何比例边界有限元法[J],工程力学,2022,37(2):23-33
- [7]何宜谦, 杨海天, Deeks, A. J..Determination of coefficients of crack tip asymptotic fields by an element-free Galerkin scaled...[J],FATIGUE FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS STRUCTURES,2022,35(8,SI):767-785
- [8]何宜谦, Zuo, Di, Hackl, Klaus, 杨海天, Mousavi, S. Jamaleddin, Avril, Stephane.Gradient-enhanced continuum models of healing in damaged soft tissues[J],Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology,2022,18(5):1443-1460
- [9]Nguyen, B. H., Nanthakumar, S. S., 何宜谦, Tran, H. D., Hackl, K., Zhuang, X..Forward and inverse problems in piezoelectricity using isogeometric symmetric Galerkin boundary...[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2022,113:118-132
- [10]何宜谦, guojie, 杨海天.Image-based numerical prediction for effective thermal conductivity of heterogeneous materials:...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,128:335-343
- [11]Zhao Xiao, 杨海天, 何宜谦.Identification of constitutive parameters for fractional viscoelasticity[J],Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2022,19(1):311-322
- [12]何宜谦, 杨海天.Identification of Geometric Boundary Configurations in Heat Transfer Problems Via Element-Free ...[J],NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART B FUNDAMENTALS,2022,55(4):313-323
- [13]Zuo, Di, Avril, Stephane, 杨海天, Mousavi, S. Jamaleddin, Hackl, Klaus, 何宜谦.Three-dimensional numerical simulation of soft-tissue wound healing using constrained-mixture a...[J],Journal of the Royal Society Interface,2022,17(162):20190708
- [14]何宜谦, 杨海天.Use of Fourier shape functions in the scald boundary method[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2022,41(1):152-159
- [15]何宜谦, 杨海天, Deeks, Andrew J..Use of Fourier shape functions in the scaled boundary method[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2022,41:152-159
- [16]杨海天, 张晓月, 何宜谦.两级敏度分析求解双弹性模量桁架结构反问题[J],固体力学学报,2022,2:198-204
- [17]左迪, Stephane Avril, 杨海天, Klaus Hackl, S Jamaleddin Mousavi, 何宜谦.3D numerical simulation of soft tissue wound healing using constrained-mixture anisotropic hypere...[J],Journal of the Royal Society Interface,2022,17(1):1-10
- [18]Wang, Chongshuai, 何宜谦, 杨海天.Adaptive recursive scaled boundary finite element method for forward and inverse interval viscoel...[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2022,128:257-273
- [19]于洋, 何宜谦, 杨海天.An adaptive recursive SBFE algorithm for the dynamic analysis of Viscoelastic problems[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2022,128:171-187
- [20]杨海天, Guo, Xiaofeng, 何宜谦.An EFG-SBM based partitioning algorithm for heat transfer analysis of cyclically symmetrical st...[J],FINITE ELEMENTS IN ANALYSIS AND DESIGN,2022,93(C):42-49