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个人信息Personal Information
学科:计算力学. 工程力学. 固体力学
Peer-review journal papers
[55] Xingcong Dong, Haitian Yang, Yiqian He*(通讯作者). Quadtree SBFEM and optimization based forward and inverse interval analysis for PCM-integrated walls Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals. Accepted, 2023.
[54] Yang Yu; Yiqian He; Chongshuai Wang, Haitian Yang. A TPAA-SBFEM based full-scale forward and inverse interval analysis for dynamic viscoelastic problems. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Accepted, 2023.
[53] 陈凤玲, 何宜谦, 于洋, 杨海天. 基于 Gurtin 变分原理和混合形函数的动力时域有限元方法, 计算力学学报, 录用
[52] Xiaoteng Wang, Haitian Yang, Yiqian He*(通讯作者). A temporally piecewise adaptive multiscale scaled boundary finite element method to solve two-dimensional heterogeneous viscoelastic problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. Accepted
[51] 何宜谦,雷庆,薛齐文,郭敏,刘飞,张贺,刘旭东. 考虑高空环境影响的充气式减速器折叠展开动力学计算. 计算机辅助工程. 2023. 录用
[50] Yang Yu, Yiqian He, Chongshuai Wang, Haitian Yang. A gradient based numerical algorithm to solve inverse dynamic viscoelastic problems of multi-variable identification. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 151, 686-706, 2023.
[49] Chongshuai Wang, Ruifei Peng, Yiqian He, Haitian Yang, Xu Han. A scaled boundary finite element partitioning based reduced order algorithm for the elastic analysis of cyclically symmetric structures. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 124(5), 1146-1167
[48] Ruike Shi, Stéphane Avril, Haitian Yang, Víctor A. Acosta Santamaría, Yue Mei, Yiqian He* (通讯作者). Adaptation of virtual fields method for the identification of biphasic hyperelastic model parameters in soft biological tissues with osmotic swelling. Strain. e12435. 2023.
[47] Xiaoteng Wang, Haitian Yang, Yiqian He*(通讯作者). A multiscale scaled boundary finite element method solving steady-state heat conduction problem with heterogeneous materialse. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B. 1-22. 2023.
[46] Qiang Fu, Yiqian He, Xinglin Guo, Haitian Yang. A recursive-cluster based reduced order method for numerical prediction of effective properties of heterogeneous viscoelastic materials. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 203, 103720, 2022
[45] C Wang, X Long, Y He, H Yang, X Han. An adaptive recursive SBFE algorithm for the statistical analysis of stochastic viscoelastic problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 395, 114878. 2022.
[44] Q Fu, Y He, J Guo, X Guo, H Yang. Piecewise variables separation-based semi-analytical prediction of effective properties for heterogeneous viscoelastic materials. Acta Mechanica 233 (2), 579-596. 2022.
[43] X Xu, Q Xue, Y He. A Corten-Dolan model considering material strength degradation. Mechanics of Solids 57 (1), 149-162. 2022.
[42] Di Zuo, Yiqian He*(通讯作者), Haitian Yang, Stephane Avril, Klaus Hackl. A thermodynamic framework for unified continuum models for the healing of damaged soft biological tissue. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. .158: 104662, 2022.
[41] Yang Yu, Yiqian He, Haitian Yang. An adaptive recursive SBFE algorithm for the dynamic analysis of viscoelastic problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 128:171-187, 2021.
[40] Chongshuai Wang, Yiqian He, Haitian Yang. Recursive adaptive scale boundary finite element method for the forward and inverse interval viscoelastic analysis. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 128: 257-273, 2021.
[39] 薛齐文, 王霄腾, 何宜谦*(通讯作者), 郭敏, 刘旭东, 鄂志佳. 不同折叠形式的柱状气囊展开过程数值模拟. 航空工程进展. 12(3):161-170, 2021.
[38] Di Zuo, Stephane Avril, Chunjiang Ran, Haitian Yang, S. Jamaleddin Mousavi, Klaus Hackl, Yiqian He*(通讯作者). Sensitivity analysis of non-local damage in soft biological tissues. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 37:e3427, 2021.
[37] Ruifei Peng, Yiqian He, Haitian Yang. An efficient numerical method to solve inverse fuzzy-uncertain viscoelastic problems of identification. Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering. 29:7, 920-943, 2021.
[36] Yiqian He, Jin Guo, Haitian Yang. Numerical prediction of effective viscoelastic property for heterogeneous materials based on a temporally piecewise adaptive quadtree SBFEM. Finite Elements in Analysis & Design. 177, 103426, 2020.
[35] Di Zuo, Stephane Avril, Haitian Yang, Klaus Hackl, S Jamaleddin Mousavi, Yiqian He*, 3D numerical simulation of soft tissue wound healing using constrained-mixture anisotropic hyperelasticity and gradient-enhanced damage mechanics. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2020, 17: 20190708.
[34] 何宜谦,王霄腾,祝雪峰,杨海天*, 薛齐文. 求解粘弹性问题的时域自适应等几何比例边界有限元法. 工程力学. 37(2), 23-33. 2020
[33] B.H Nguyen, S.S. Nanthakumar, Y.Q. He, H.D. Tran, K. Hackl, X. Zhuang. Forward and inverse problems in piezoelectricity using isogeometric symmetric Galerkin boundary element method and level set method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 113, 118-132, 2020.
[32] Yongtao Lu, Yiqian He (Co-first author), Weiteng Li, Ruifei Peng, Li Yu*. Biomechanical comparison of five different treatment approaches for fixing the posterior pelvic ring injury: a finite element analysis. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 5379593, 2020.
[31] Yiqian He, Di Zuo, Klaus Hackl, Haitian Yang, S Jamaleddin Mousavi, Stephane Avril*. Gradient-enhanced continuum models of healing in damaged soft tissues. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 2019, Volume 18, Issue 5, pp 1443–1460.
[30] Yiqian He, Xingcong Dong, Haitian Yang. A new adaptive algorithm for phase change heat transfer problems based on quadtree SBFEM and smoothed effective heat capacity method. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 75:2, 111-126. 2019.
[29] Yiqian He, Jie Guo, Haitian Yang. Image-based numerical prediction for effective thermal conductivity of heterogeneous materials: A quadtree based scaled boundary finite element method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Volume 128, January 2019, Pages 335-343.
[28] Yongtao Lu, Di Zuo, Junyan Li, Yiqian He* (通讯作者). Stochastic analysis of a heterogeneous micro-finite element model of a mouse tibia. Medical Engineering & Physics. Volume 63, January 2019, Pages 50-56.
[27] Chongshuai Wang, Yiqian He, Haitian Yang. A SBFEM and sensitivity analysis based algorithm for solving inverse viscoelastic problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 106:588-598. 2019.
[26] Chongshuai Wang, Yiqian He, Haitian Yang. Modelling the Third Kind Boundary Condition in Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method Based Numerical Analysis. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 93: 53–62, 2018
[25] Qiwen Xue, Jing Wang, Yiqian He*(通讯作者), Hatian Yang, Xiuyun Du. A temporally piecewise adaptive scaled boundary finite element method for solving the fuzzy uncertain viscoelastic problems. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. August 2018, Volume 31, Issue 4, pp 459–469 1.149
[24] Yiqian He, Haitian Yang. Solving viscoelastic problems by combining SBFEM and a temporally piecewise adaptive algorithm. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. 21(3): 481–497, 2017
[23] Yiqian He, Yongtao Lu, Baosheng Yin, Li Yu. Numerical Investigation on the Biomechanical Performance of Laparoscopic-Assisted Plate Used for Fixing Pelvic Anterior Ring Fracture. Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2017(5):1-7
[22] Chongshuai Wang, Yiqian He, Haitian Yang. A piecewise partitioning Scaled Boundary Finite Element algorithm to solve viscoelastic problems with cyclic symmetry. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 73:120-125, 2016.
[21] Haitian Yang, Zhi Han, Yiqian He. Numerical analysis of static and dynamic stabilities of viscoelastic columns. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39(14): 3932-3946, 2016.
[20] Huang, Ming-liang,Zhao, Ning,Liu, Shuang, He, Yiqian. Drop failure modes of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints in wafer level chip scale package,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 26(6):1663~1669, 2016.
[19] Xiaofeng Guo, Yiqian He, Haitian Yang. An EFG-SBM based partitioning algorithm for two-dimensional elastic analysis of cyclically symmetrical structures. Engineering Computations. 32(2): 452 – 472, 2015.
[18] Haitian Yang, Xiaofeng Guo, Yiqian He. An EFG-SBM based partitioning algorithm for heat transfer analysis of cyclically symmetrical structures. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 93:42-49, 2015.
[17] Tao Zhang, Yiqian He, Leiting Dong, Shu Li, Abdullah Alotaibi, Satya N. Atluri. Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Mixed Collocation Method for Solving Cauchy Inverse Problems of Steady-State Heat Transfer. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 97(6): 509-533, 2014.
[16] Yiqian He, Haitian Yang, Andrew J. Deeks. On the use of cyclic symmetry in SBFEM for heat transfer problems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 71:98-105, 2014.
[15] Yiqian He, Haitian Yang, Andrew J. Deeks. Use of Fourier shape functions in the scald boundary method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 41:152-159, 2014.
[14] Yiqian He, Haitian Yang, Andrew J. Deeks. A node-based error estimator for the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method. International Journal of Computational Methods, 11(4), 1350059, 2014.
[13] Zhao Xiao, Yang Haitian, He Yiqian. Identification of constitutive parameters for fractional viscoelasticity. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 19(1): 311-322, 2014.
[12] Yiqian He, Haitian Yang, Min Xu, Andrew J. Deeks. A scaled boundary finite element method for cyclically symmetric two-dimensional elastic analysis. Computers & Structures, 120:1-8. 2013.
[11] Yiqian He, Haitian Yang, Andrew J. Deeks. An Element-free Galerkin scaled boundary method for steady-state heat transfer problems, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 64(3): 199-217, 2013.
[10] Yiqian He, Haitian Yang, Andrew J. Deeks. An Element-free Galerkin (EFG) scaled boundary method. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 62:28-36. 2012
[9] Yiqian He, Haitian Yang, Andrew J. Deeks. Determination of coefficients of crack tip asymptotic fields by an Element-free Galerkin scaled boundary method. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structure, 35(8):693-808. 2012.
[8] 何宜谦,杨海天. 基于Sigmoid函数光滑化的等效热容和有限元法求解相变传热问题. 应用基础与工程科学学报学报.19(5):817-829, 2011.
[7] 杨海天, 张晓月, 何宜谦. 基于敏度分析的拉压不同模量桁架问题的数值分析. 计算力学学报. 28(2): 237-242. 2011
[6] 杨海天, 张晓月, 赵潇, 何宜谦. 蚁群算法求解双弹性模量桁架结构反问题.工程力学. 27(10): 155-161. 2011.
[5] Haitian Yang, Yiqian He. Solving heat transfer problems with phase change via smoothed effective heat capacity and element-free Galerkin methods. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(4): 385-392. 2010
[4] Yiqian He, Haitian Yang. Solving inverse couple-stress problems via an element-free Galerkin (EFG) method and Gauss-Newton algorithm. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 46(3): 257-264. 2010
[3] 杨海天, 张晓月, 何宜谦. 两级敏度分析求解双弹性模量桁架结构反问题. 固体力学. 31(2): 198-204, 2010.
[2] 何宜谦, 杨海天, 陈国胜. 无网格伽辽金法求解平面偶应力问题. 计算力学学报. 27(4):590-595,2010.
[1] Yiqian He, Haitian Yang. Identification of boundary geometric configurations in heat transfer problem via element-free Galerkin and level set methods. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 55: 313-323. 2009.