- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:系统工程研究所
- 学科:管理科学与工程. 系统工程
- 办公地点:经济管理学院D533
- 联系方式:hxxia(at)dlut(dot)edu(dot)cn
[41] 罗双玲, 麻佩, 王瑞新, 夏昊翔.一个维基百科编辑冲突动力学模型[J],科研管理,2017,38(11):18-26
[42] Pan, Qian, Xia, Haoxiang, Luo, Shuangling.Dynamics of brand acceptance influenced by the spread of promotive information in social media[A],2017,780:1-11
[43] 夏昊翔, 王众托.从系统视角对智慧城市的若干思考[J],中国软科学,2017,7:66-80
[44] Xia, Haoxiang, Zhang, Xiao, Xingzhou.OpenStack开源软件开发者协作网络分析[J],系统工程理论与实践,2017,37(5):1373-1382
[45] 刘非凡, 夏昊翔.专利发明人员兴趣转移模式研究[J],情报工程,2017,3(2):33-40
[46] 罗双玲, 张文琪, 夏昊翔.基于半积累引文网络社区发现的学科领域主题演化分析——以“合作演化”领域为例[J],情报学报,2017,36(1):100-110
[47] Pan, Qian, 夏昊翔, 罗双玲.Dynamics of brand acceptance influenced by the spread of promotive information in social media[A],18th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences, KSS 2017,2017,780:1-11
[48] 徐梦俏, 夏昊翔.Hub dependency and vulnerability of global-local connectivity in the world liner shipping network: A[A],2017
[49] 罗双玲, 张文琪, 夏昊翔.基于半积累引文网络社区发现的学科领域主题演化分析——以“合作演化”领域为例[J],情报学报,2017,1:100-110
[50] 刘非凡, 夏昊翔.专利发明人员兴趣转移模式研究[J],情报工程,2017,2:33-40
[51] 罗双玲, 麻佩, 王瑞新, 夏昊翔.一个维基百科编辑冲突动力学模型[J],科研管理,2017,38(11):18-26
[52] 夏昊翔, 王众托.从系统视角对智慧城市的若干思考[J],中国软科学,2017,7:66-80
[53] 夏昊翔.Evolutionary Game Analysis of Enterprise R&D Decision in Industry-University[A],7th IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences,2017
[54] Liu, Feifan, Luo, Shuangling, Xia, Haoxiang.A Model of Fuzzy Opinion Dynamics[A],2017
[55] 赵小薇, 夏昊翔.Promotion of Cooperation by Mean Payoff Migration and Escaping Migration in the Spatial Prisoner’s [A],2017
[56] 夏昊翔.Evolutionary Game Analysis of Enterprise R&D Decision in Industry-University[A],2017
[57] 赵小薇, 夏昊翔.The Influence of Strategy Continuity on Cooperation in Spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma Games with Migrat[A],2017
[58] 夏昊翔.基于能力成熟度视角对智慧城市评价的思考[A],2017
[59] 夏昊翔, 张醒洲.OpenStack 开源软件开发者协作网络分析[J],系统工程理论与实践,2017,37(7):1373-1382
[60] 徐梦俏, 夏昊翔.Mobility Pattern of Taxi Passengers at Intra-Urban Scale: Empirical Study of Three Cities[J],Journal of Systems Science and Information,2017,5(6):537-555