
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:机械工程学院
- 办公地点:大连理工大学机械工程学院知方楼
- 电子邮箱:kanziyun@dlut.edu.cn
何西旺, He, Xiwang, 庞勇, 杨亮亮, 宋学官, Yang, Liangliang, Li, Kunpeng, 阚子云, Song, Xueguan.A novel geometric nonlinear reduced order modeling method using multi-fidelity surrogate for real-time structural analysis[J],Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,2023,66(11)
He, Xiwang, 何西旺, 来孝楠, 杨亮亮, 宋学官, Li, Kunpeng, Wang, Shuo, Yang, Liangliang, 阚子云, Song, Xueguan.Toward an Online Monitoring of Structural Performance Based on Physics-Informed Hybrid Modeling Method[J],Journal of Mechanical Design,2024,146(1)
宋宁宁, Song, Ningning, 张孟茹, 李飞, 赵剑, Zhang, Mengru, Li, Fei, 阚子云, Zhao, Jian, 彭海军, Peng, Haijun.Dynamic research on winding and capturing of tensegrity flexible manipulator[J],Mechanism and Machine Theory,2024,193
Zhang, Jie, Li, You, 阚子云, Yuan, Qiufeng, Rajabi, Hamed, Wu, Zhigang, 彭海军, Jianing, Peng, Haijun, Wu.A Preprogrammable Continuum Robot Inspired by Elephant Trunk for Dexterous Manipulation.[J],Soft robotics,2023,10(3):636-646
来孝楠, 孙伟, 宋学官, 阚子云, Sun, Wei, Song, Xueguan, Tian, Baomin, Yuan, Tengfei.Digital twin-based non-destructive testing for structural health monitoring of bridges[J],Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation,2023
彭海军, 王铭基, 杨浩, 李飞, 阚子云, Peng, Haijun.Rigid-flexible-soft coupling dynamic modeling and analysis of clustered tensegrity[J],NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2024
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基于智能算法的臂架系统多参数全局优化设计技术, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2023/05/31, 在研