
- 性别:女
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:化工学院
- 学科:工业催化
- 办公地点:西部校区化工实验楼B223
- 联系方式:0411-84986484
- 电子邮箱:keyanli@dlut.edu.cn
[61] 王立秋, 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Preparation of Magnesium Titanate Nanosheets by a Modified Sol-Gel Method[J],Materials Focus,2012,1(3):234-238
[62] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Controllable Phase Transformation from ZnO to Zn-HDS in the Alcohol System[J],Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing,2012,2(4):371-374
[63] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Hardness of Inorganic Functional Materials[J],Reviews in Advanced Sciences and Engineering,2012,1(4):265-279
[64] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.The Concept of Electronegativity and Its Applications to Materials Design[J],Reviews in Advanced Sciences and Engineering,2012,1(3):119-133
[65] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Hydrogen Bonding Behaviors in Inorganic Solids[J],Reviews in Advanced Sciences and Engineering,2012,1(1):75-86
[66] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Effect of Thermal Annealing on the Band Gap of MgxZn1 - xO Thin Films[J],ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT FOCUS,2012,1(1):64-69
[67] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Sol-Gel Route to MgZnO Alloy Particles via Diethanolamine and Triethanolamine as Stabilizers[J],MATERIALS FOCUS,2012,1(2):169-173
[68] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.A Simple Method for Hardness Prediction of Transition Metal Compounds[J],MATERIALS FOCUS,2012,1(2):142-148
[69] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Ligand-Assisted Coprecipitation Route to MgxZn1 - xO Particles[J],MATERIALS FOCUS,2012,1(2):121-126
[70] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Relationship Between Band Gap and Bulk Modulus of Semiconductor Materials[J],MATERIALS FOCUS,2012,1(1):88-92
[71] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Quantifying the Effects of Electronegativity and Ionic Radius on Lanthanide Charge Transfer Energy i[J],MATERIALS FOCUS,2012,1(1):81-87
[72] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Spatial Distribution of O-H · · · O Systems in Inorganic Crystals: A Distance Correction and a Visua[J],Materials Focus,2012,1(1):71-75
[73] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Bimodal Size Distribution of Nanocrystals at Their Early Stage of Growth: The Case Study of ZnO[J],MATERIALS FOCUS,2012,1(1):45-49
[74] 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Electronegativity Studies Towards New Materials: From a Chemistry Concept to Physics Models[J],MATERIALS FOCUS,2012,1(1):4-17
[75] 王立秋, 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Influencing factors of preparing hexagonal ZnTiO3 powders[A],2012,140-140
[76] 王立秋, 李克艳, 薛冬峰.Low temperature preparation of LiMn2O4 and its electrochemical behaviors[A],2012,139-139
[77] Zhang, Yuanjian, Sun, Congting, Lu, Pai, Li, Keyan, Song, Shuyan, Xue, Dongfeng, DF (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Chem Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Crystallization design of MnO2 towards better supercapacitance[J],CRYSTENGCOMM,2012,14(18):5892-5897
[78] Li, Keyan, Yang, Peng, Xue, Dongfeng, DF (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Changchun Inst Appl Chem, State Key Lab Rare Earth Resource Utilizat, Changchun 130022, Peoples R China..Anisotropic hardness prediction of crystalline hard materials from the electronegativity[J],ACTA MATERIALIA,2012,60(1):35-42
[79] 薛冬峰, 孙丛婷, 李克艳.结晶过程与颗粒制备研究中的控制问题[A],2011,110-111
[80] Li, Keyan, Yanju, Xue, Dongfeng, KY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Chem Engn, State Key Lab Fine Chem, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..BAND GAP PREDICTION OF ALLOYED SEMICONDUCTORS[J],FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS LETTERS,2011,4(3):217-219