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主要任职: 医学部党委书记兼常务副部长

性别: 男

毕业院校: 复旦大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 生物医学工程学院

学科: 生物医学工程

电子邮箱: krqin@dlut.edu.cn



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当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果


发表时间: 2022-10-09

发表刊物: 医用生物力学

所属单位: 光电工程与仪器科学学院

期号: 5

页面范围: 389-394

ISSN号: 1004-7220

摘要: The intracellular calcium signaling, which is modulated by the microenvironment of cells, is closely related to the cell's self-renewal, differentiation, proliferation, and its apoptosis. The study on the quantitative modulation of the intracellular calcium signals could not only help to understand the dynamic behavior of such kind of signaling, but also play a significant role in the control of cell fate, simulation of cell behavior and bionics of cellular biological systems. This paper briefly reviewed the progress on the quantitative modulation of intracellular calcium signals induced by shear flow, including (1) experimental phenomena and the associated mechanisms of shear-flow-activated intracellular calcium response; (2) mathematical modeling and simulation of the intracellular calcium response induced by shear flow; (3) feedback control of the intracellular calcium signals by shear flow.

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