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任职 : 辽宁省高分子科学与工程重点实验室副主任





学科:高分子材料. 高分子化学与物理




当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究
  • [50] 李杨,贺毛毛,冷雪菲,魏志勇,王艳色,一类叔丁氧羰基功能化碳酸酯单体、叔丁氧羰基功能化聚碳酸酯及制备方法,专利号:ZL202210898614.0,申请日:2022.07.28,授权日:2024.03.19.

    [49] 李杨,冷雪菲,刘立新,韩丽,郑可嘉,王艳色,一种ABS树脂的生产工艺系统及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202210650575.2,申请日:2022.06.10,授权日:2024.05.29.

    [48] 李杨,冷雪菲,刘立新,韩丽,郑可嘉,王艳色,一种HIPS树脂的生产工艺系统及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202210650426.6,申请日:2022.06.10,授权日:2024.03.19.

    [47] 李杨,冷雪菲,韩丽,王艳色,一类星形嵌段共聚物(SBR-BR)n-C的超高抗冲击强度ABS树脂及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202111064572.2,申请日:2021.09.10,授权日:2024.03.19.

    [46] 李杨,冷雪菲,韩丽,王艳色,含内循环装置的ABS树脂生产工艺系统及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202210650427.0,申请日:2022.06.10,授权日:2023.05.19.

    [45] 李杨,冷雪菲,韩丽,王艳色,含内循环装置的HIPS树脂生产工艺系统及高性能HIPS树脂制备方法,专利号:ZL202210650569.7,申请日:2022.06.10,授权日:2023.07.19.

    [44] 李杨,冷雪菲,王艳色,韩丽,一类含DPE衍生物、丁二烯、苯乙烯星形共聚物嵌段的ABS树脂及制备方法,专利号:ZL202111349584.X,申请日:2021.11.15,授权日:2023.03.31.

    [43] 李杨,冷雪菲,王艳色,韩丽,一类含DPE衍生物、丁二烯、苯乙烯星形共聚物嵌段的HIPS树脂及制备方法,专利号:ZL202111349585.4,申请日:2021.11.15,授权日:2023.03.31.

    [42] 李杨,冷雪菲,王艳色,韩丽,一类含DPE衍生物、丁二烯、异戊二烯、苯乙烯星形共聚物嵌段的ABS树脂及制备方法,专利号:ZL202111351021.4,申请日:2021.11.15,授权日:2023.03.31.

    [41] 李杨,冷雪菲,王艳色,韩丽,含DPE衍生物、丁二烯、异戊二烯、苯乙烯星形共聚物嵌段的HIPS树脂及制备方法,专利号:ZL202111351024.8,申请日:2021.11.15,授权日:2023.03.31.

    [40] 李杨,冷雪菲,王艳色,韩丽,一类基于DPE衍生物、丁二烯、异戊二烯、苯乙烯单体的星形嵌段共聚物及制备方法,专利号:ZL202111351022.9,申请日:2021.11.15,授权日:2023.01.20.

    [39] 李杨,余佳临,牛慧,冷雪菲,穆晓春,王艳色,韩丽,一类单茂钪稀土催化剂催化制备星形支化三元集成橡胶及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202210011239.3,申请日:2022.01.05,授权日:2023.02.17.

    [38] 李杨,高阳峰,冷雪菲,马红卫,王艳色,一类自具微孔共聚酰亚胺气凝胶块体吸附材料及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202110826857.9,申请日:2021.07.21,授权日:2023.01.31.

    [37] 李杨,穆晓春,冷雪菲,韩丽,王艳色,一类乙烯/α-烯烃/功能化苯乙烯衍生物三元共聚物及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202111274262.3,申请日:2021.10.29,授权日:2023.01.13.

    [36] 李杨,韩丽,冷雪菲,张瑞雪,张松波,王艳色,一类含硅氧/氮基团序列可调控的多功能化SIBR集成橡胶的一步控制投料制备方法,专利号:ZL202110614665.1,申请日:2021.06.02,授权日:2023.01.13.

    [35] 李杨,冷雪菲,韩丽,王艳色,一类星形嵌段共聚物(SIBR-BR)n-C的超高抗冲击强度ABS树脂及制备方法,专利号:ZL202111064570.3,申请日:2021.09.10,授权日:2022.10.08.

    [34] 李杨,张瑛,王艳色,冷雪菲,韩丽,一种功能化溶聚丁苯橡胶复合C5石油树脂改性沥青及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202110600408.2,申请日:2021.05.31,授权日:2022.09.15.

    [33] 冷雪菲,李杨,韩丽,王艳色,一类溶聚A-DPE衍生物SIBR集成橡胶增韧ABS树脂及其制备方法,专利号:202111064591.5,申请日:2021.09.10,授权日:2022.08.25.

    [32] 冷雪菲,李杨,韩丽,王艳色,一类溶聚A-DPE衍生物SIBR集成橡胶增韧HIPS树脂及其制备方法,专利号:202111063647.5,申请日:2021.09.10,授权日:2022.09.28.

    [31] 王艳色,李杨,冷雪菲,魏志勇,韩丽,一类接枝共聚-共混高抗冲聚乳酸及其制备方法,专利号:202110779225.1,申请日:2021.07.09,授权日:2022.09.05

    [30] 李杨,贺毛毛,冷雪菲,魏志勇,王艳色,一类氰基功能化碳酸酯单体、氰基功能化聚碳酸酯及制备方法,专利号:202111157833.5,申请日:2021.09.30,授权日:2022.08.31

    [29] 李杨,韩丽,冷雪菲,张瑞雪,张松波,王艳色,一类含硅氧/氮基团序列可调控的多功能化SIBR集成橡胶的一步控制投料制备方法,专利号:202110614665.1,申请日:2021.06.02,授权日:2022.11.28.

    [28] 冷雪菲,李杨,韩丽,王艳色,一类溶聚A-DPE衍生物SIBR星形集成橡胶增韧ABS树脂及其制备方法,专利号:202111063646.0,申请日:2021.09.10,授权日:2022.08.25

    [27] 冷雪菲,刘杰,一种长链支化PETG共聚酯及其制备方法,专利号:202111365487.X,申请日:2021.11.18,授权日:2022.08.31

    [26] 李杨,冷雪菲,韩丽,王艳色,一类星形嵌段共聚物(SIBR-BR)n-C的超高抗冲击强度ABS树脂及制备方法,专利号:ZL202111064570.3 申请日:2021.09.10,授权日:2022.11.11

    [25] 李杨,冷雪菲,韩丽,王艳色,一类星形嵌段共聚物(SIBR-BR)n-C的超高抗冲击强度HIPS树脂及制备方法,专利号:202111064569.0 申请日:2021.09.10,授权日:2022.06.21.

    [24] 李杨,吴桐,冷雪菲,魏志勇,王艳色,一种星形梳状两亲性聚合物及其制备方法,专利号:202110679937.6,申请日:2021.06.18,授权日:2022.05.25.

    [23] 李杨,余佳临,牛慧,王艳色,冷雪菲,韩丽,一类星形支化稀土橡胶及其制备方法,专利号:202110838519.7,申请日:2021.07.23,授权日:2022.04.26.

    [22] 李杨,张瑛,王艳色,冷雪菲,韩丽,一种功能化溶聚丁苯橡胶复合C9石油树脂改性沥青及其制备方法,专利号:202110600418.6,申请日:2021.05.31,授权日:2022.05.26.

    [21] 李杨,张瑛,王艳色,冷雪菲,韩丽,一种功能化溶聚丁苯橡胶改性C9石油树脂组合物及其制备方法,专利号:202110600420.3,申请日:2021.05.31,授权日:2022.04.12.

    [20] 李杨,韩丽,张瑞雪,马红卫,雷岚,冷雪菲,王艳色,一种具有快速光响应特性的含螺吡喃基丁苯嵌段共聚物及其制备方法,专利号:202110470116.1 申请日:2021.04.28,授权日:2022.04.29.

    [19] 李杨,张松波,冷雪菲,韩丽,马红卫,王艳色,魏志勇,一种含胺基基团的SIBR集成橡胶、集成橡胶复合材料及其制备方法,专利号:202110419118.8 申请日:2021.04.19,授权日:2022.04.12.

    [18] 李杨,李超,马红卫,冷雪菲,王艳色,韩丽,一类胺基多功能化SEBS热塑性弹性体及其制备方法,专利号:202011584727.0,申请日:2020.12.28,授权日:2022.04.12.

    [17] 李杨,沈禾雨,马红卫,冷雪菲,王艳色,刘丕博,一类胺基多功能化丁苯透明抗冲树脂及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201910299802.X,申请日:2019.04.15,授权日:2022.02.15.

    [16] 冷雪菲,李杨,边宇飞,魏志勇,王艳色,一类星形梳状荧光聚乳酸及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201910832356.4,申请日:2019.09.04,授权日:2021.09.24.

    [15] 冷雪菲,李杨,边宇飞,魏志勇,王艳色,一类线形梳状荧光聚乳酸及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201910831884.8,申请日:2019.09.04,授权日:2021.09.24.

    [14] 冷雪菲,李杨,董婧晗,牛慧,王艳色,一类稀土大环内酯/戊内酯/己内酯三元共聚物及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201910654926.5,申请日:2019.07.19,授权日:2021.04.20.

    [13] 李杨,穆晓春,冷雪菲,王艳色,稀土苯乙烯衍生物/异戊二烯/丁二烯三元橡胶及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201910402885.0,申请日:2019.04.12,授权日:2021.12.24.

    [12] 李杨,马庆驰,马红卫,冷雪菲,王艳色,一类适用于硅氢加成化学反应的双硅氢功能化线形聚合物及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201910402885.0,申请日:2019.05.15,授权日:2021.08.18.

    [11] 李杨,马庆驰,马红卫,冷雪菲,王艳色,一类适用于硅氢加成化学反应的单硅氢功能化星形聚合物及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201910407333.9,申请日:2019.05.15,授权日:2021.07.05.

    [10] 李杨,马庆驰,马红卫,冷雪菲,王艳色,一类适用于硅氢加成化学反应的双硅氢功能化星形聚合物及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201910403048.X,申请日:2019.05.15,授权日:2021.06.02.

    [9] 李杨,魏志勇,周城,王艳色,冷雪菲,星形聚月桂烯-聚乳酸嵌段共聚物及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201810782384.5,申请日:2018.07.17,授权日:2021.05.12.

    [8] 王艳色,李杨,魏志勇,冷雪菲,牛慧,一类高拉伸聚乳酸及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201710389251.7,申请日:2017.05.27,授权日:2020.02.18.

    [7] 李杨,王艳色,魏志勇,冷雪菲,任莹莹,边宇飞,基于环氧化热塑性弹性体增韧抗冲击聚乳酸及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201610211090.8,申请日:2016.04.05,授权日:2019.01.18.

    [6] 李杨,任莹莹,魏志勇,冷雪菲,吴桐,王艳色,线形梳状聚碳酸酯及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201510250019.6,申请日:2015.05.15,授权日:2017.08.01.

    [5] 李杨,任莹莹,魏志勇,冷雪菲,吴桐,王艳色,星形梳状聚碳酸酯及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201510250193.0,申请日:2015.05.15,授权日:2017.06.13.

    [4] 李杨,任莹莹,高清,冷雪菲,王艳色,申凯华,王玉荣,一种线形梳状聚己内酯及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201310471297.5,申请日:2013.10.10,授权日:2016.05.11.

    [3] 李杨,任莹莹,高清,冷雪菲,王艳色,申凯华,王玉荣,一种星形梳状聚己内酯及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201310474493.8,申请日:2013.10.10,授权日:2016.04.13. 

    [2] 李杨,冷雪菲,申凯华,高清,王艳色,任莹莹,王玉荣,线形梳状聚乳酸及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201210428685.0,申请日:2012.10.31,授权日:2015.04.08.

    [1] 李杨,冷雪菲,申凯华,高清,王艳色,任莹莹,王玉荣,星形梳状聚乳酸及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201310064475.2,申请日:2013.02.28,授权日:2015.02.18.

  • [53] Jie Liu, Pengcheng Miao, Xuefei Leng*, Yidi Li, Wei Wang, Yang Li*, High strength and rapid self-healing daidzein-based polyhydroxyurethanes for high temperature-resistant adhesives, Polym. Chem., 2025, 7, 891-902.  

    [52] Xiaochun Mu, Xuefei Leng*, Chuanchuan Liu, Qiang Yao, Yang Li*, Terpolymerization of Ethylene with Hexene and Styrene Derivatives by Half-Sandwich Scandium Catalyst. Polymers, 2024, 16, 2290.

    [51] Pengcheng Miao, Jie Liu, Maomao He, Xuefei Leng*, Yang Li*, Bio-based non-isocyanate polyurethane with closed-loop recyclability and its potential application, Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 146398

    [50]Jie Liu, Pengcheng Miao, Xuefei Leng*, Jian Che, Zhiyong Wei, Yang Li, Chemically Recyclable Biobased Non-Isocyanate Polyurethane Networks from CO2-Derived Six-membered Cyclic Carbonates. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2023, 44, 2300263

    [49] Pengcheng Miao, Ziyue Jiao, Jie Liu, Maomao He, Guanjun Song, Zhiyong Wei, Xuefei Leng*, Yang Li*, Mechanically Robust and Chemically Recyclable Polyhydroxyurethanes from CO2-Derived Six-Membered Cyclic Carbonates, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2023, 15, 1, 2246–2255

    [48] Pengcheng Miao, Xuefei Leng*, Jie Liu, Xiaobo Xu, Yang Li*, Chemically recyclable and mechanically robust non-isocyanate polyurethanes from resveratrol, Polym. Chem.202314, 4216-4226

    [47]Jie Liu, Pengcheng Miao, Wenwen Zhang, Guanjun Song, Jiale Feng, Xuefei Leng*, Yang Li, Synthesis and characterization of interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) based on UV curable resin and blocked isocyanate/polyols, Polymer, 2022, 256, 125254

    [46] Pengcheng Miao, Xuefei Leng*, Jie Liu, Guanjun Song, Maomao He, Yang Li*, Regulating the Dynamic Behaviors of Transcarbamoylation-Based Vitrimers via Mono-Variation in Density of Exchangeable HydroxylMacromolecules, 2022, 55, 12, 4956–4966

    [45]Wenli Zhang, Li Han, Zhipeng Liu, Yidi Li, Jingzhao Shang, Xuefei Leng*, Yang Li, Zhiyong Wei*, Ring opening copolymerization of δ-valerolactone with 2-methyl-1,3-dioxane-4-one towards poly(3-hydroxypropionate-co-5-hydroxyvalerate) copolyesters, Polym. Chem., 2022,13, 2132-2142

    [44] Maomao He, Ran Wang, Peiyuan Wan, Hexiang Wang, Yi Cheng, Pengcheng Miao, Zhiyong Wei, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li*, Jianjun Du, Jiangli Fan, Wen Sun*, Xiaojun Peng, Biodegradable Ru-Containing Polycarbonate Micelles for Photoinduced Anticancer Multitherapeutic Agent Delivery and Phototherapy Enhancement, Biomacromolecules, 2022, 23, 4, 1733–1744

    [43] Xiaochun Mu, Jialin Yu, Xuefei Leng*, Yang Li*, Syndioselective coordination (Co)polymerization of triphenylamine substituted styrenes via a scandium catalyst system, Polymer Journal, 2022, 54, 775–782

    [42] Xiaochun Mu, Li Han, Xuefei Leng*, Yang Li*, Synthesis of functional polyethylene via scandium catalysted copolymerization of ethylene with triphenylamine- or carbazole-substituted styrene derivatives, Polymer, 2022, 241, 124548

    [41] Maomao He, Guangli He, Peiyuan Wang, Suhua Jiang, Ziyue Jiao, Dongmei Xi, Pengcheng Miao, Xuefei Leng, Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Li*, Yanjun Yang, Ran Wang, Jianjun Du, Jiangli Fan, Wen Sun*, Xiaojun Peng, A Sequential Dual-Model Strategy Based on Photoactivatable Metallopolymer for On-Demand Release of Photosensitizers and Anticancer Drugs, Adv. Sci., 2021, 2103334

    [40] Songbo Zhang, Xuefei Leng, Li Han, Chao Li, Lan Lei, Hongyuan Bai, Hongwei Ma*, Yang Li*, The effect of functionalization in elastomers: Construction of networks, Polymer, 2021, 213, 123331

    [39] Wenwen Zhang, Xuefei Leng*, Mengyun Gao, Zhiyong Wei, Yiying Wang, Yang Li, Synthesis of cross-linked triple shape memory polyurethane with self-healing functionalities, Polymer Texting, 2021, 96, 107099

    [38] Heyu Shen, Xuefei Leng, Li Han, Pibo Liu, Chao Li, Songbo Zhang, Lan Lei, Hongwei Ma*, Yang Li*, Investigation of the effect of Grafting Density on Surface Properties for Sequence-Determined Fluoropolymer Films, Polym. Chem., 2020, 116206–6214

    [37] Maomao He, Yi Cheng, Yuan Liang, Mingze Xia, Xuefei Leng, Yanshai Wang, Zhiyong Wei*, Wanxi ZhangYang Li*, Amino acid complexes with tin as a new class of catalysts with high reactivity and low toxicity towards biocompatible aliphatic polyesters, Polymer Journal, 2020, 52, 567–574

    [36] Qingchi Ma, Xuefei Leng, Li Han, Pibo Liu, Chao Li, Songbo Zhang, Lan Lei, Hongwei Ma*, Yang Li*, Regulation of cis and trans microstructures of isoprene units in alternating copolymers via “space-limited” living species in anionic polymerization, Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 2708–2714

    [35] Tong Wu, Xuefei Leng, Yanshai Wang, Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Li*, Linear- and star-brush poly(ethylene glycol)s: Synthesis and architecture-dependent crystallization behavior, Polymer, 2020, 202, 122661

    [34] Songbo Zhang, Xuefei Leng, Ziwei Li, Li Han, Wei Li, Chao Li, Lan Lei, Hongwei Ma*, Yang Li*, Influence Mechanism of Composition and Topology on the Comprehensive Properties of Styrene-Isoprene-Butadiene Elastomers, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2020, 59, 10955−10966

    [33] Wuju Xun, Changlong Wu, Jiye Li, Chengwu Yang, Xuefei Leng, Desheng Xin, Yang Li*, Effect of Functional Polycarboxylic Acid Superplasticizers on Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Cement Paste and Mortar, Appl. Sci., 2020, 10, 5418

    [32] Wuju Xun, Changlong Wu, Xuefei Leng, Jiye Li, Desheng Xin, Yang Li*, Effect of Functional Superplasticizers on Concrete Strength and Pore Structure, Appl. Sci., 2020, 10, 3496

    [31] Chenhao Jin, Xuefei Leng, Manwen Zhang, Yanshai Wang, Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Li, Fully biobased biodegradable poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(ethylene brassylate)-b-poly(L-lactide) triblock copolymers: Synthesis and investigation of relationship between crystallization morphology and thermal properties, Polymer International, 2020, 69, 363-372

    [30] Mengyun Gao, Xuefei Leng, Wenwen Zhang, Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Li, A biobased aliphatic polyester derived from 10-hydroxydecanoic acid: Molecular weight dependence of physical properties, Polymer Testing, 2020, 82, 106295

    [29] Zhiyong Wei, Rui Che, Shengnan Shao, Yanshai Wang, Xuefei Leng*, Yang Li, ABA triblock copolyesters composed of poly(L-lactide) A hard blocks: A comparative study of amorphous and crystalline aliphatic polyesters as B soft blocks, Polymer Testing, 2020, 83, 106348

    [28] Xuefei Leng, Chenhao Jin, Changfeng Zhou, Yanshai Wang, Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Li, ABA triblock copolyesters composed of poly(L-lactide) A hard blocks: Long chain aliphatic polyesters as B soft midblocks, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2020, 28, 1420-1430

    [27] Shengnan Shao, Zhiyong Wei*, Yanshai Wang, Yang Yu, Changfeng Zhou, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li, Biobased odd-odd poly(propylene dicarboxylate)s: Dependence of crystallization and melting behavior on chain length of aliphatic diacids, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 140, 199-211

    [26] Yufei Bian, Xuefei Leng, Zhiyong Wei*, Zefeng Wang, Zhu Tu, Yanshai Wang, Yang Li*, End-Chain Fluorescent Highly Branched Poly(L‑lactide)s: Synthesis, Architecture-Dependence, and Fluorescent Visible PaclitaxelLoaded Microspheres, Biomacromolecules, 2019, 20, 3952−3968

    [25] Yufei Bian, Zhiyong Wei*, Zefeng Wang, Zhu Tu, Liuchun Zheng*, Wenhuan Wang, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li*, Development of biodegradable polyesters based on a hydroxylated coumarin initiator towards fluorescent visible paclitaxel-loaded microspheres, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019, 7,  2261-2276

    [24] Bufeng Zhang, Zhiyong Wei*, Yabiao Zhao, Rui Che, Yanshai Wang, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li*, Isodimorphic aliphatic copolyester as midblock of poly(L-lactide)-based triblock copolymers towards largely enhanced impact toughness, European Polymer Journal, 2019, 111, 28–37

    [23] Xuefei Leng, Wenwen Zhang, Yiying Wang, Yanshai Wang, Xiaoqing Li, Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Li*, Hydrolytic Degradation of Comb-Like Graft Poly (Lactide-co-Trimethylene Carbonate): The Role of Comonomer Compositions and Sequences, Polymers, 2019, 11, 2024

    [22] Zhiyong Wei*, Chenhao Jin, Qiang Xu, Xuefei Leng, Yanshai Wang, Yang Li*, Synthesis, microstructure and mechanical properties of partially biobased biodegradable poly(ethylene brassylate-co-ε-caprolactone) copolyesters, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2019, 91, 255–265 

    [21] Yang Yu, Haocheng Xiong, Jingyu Xiao, Xuedan Qian, Xuefei Leng, Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Li, High molecular weight unsaturated copolyesters derived from biobased trans-β-hydromuconic acid and fumaric acid with 1,4-butanediol: Synthesis and excellent thermo-mechanical properties, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2019, 7, 6859−6869

    [20] Changfeng Zhou, Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Yu, Shengnan Shao, Xuefei Leng, Yanshai Wang, Yang Li, Biobased long-chain aliphatic polyesters of 1,12-dodecanedioic acid with a variety of diols: Odd-even effect and mechanical properties, Materials Today Communications, 2019, 19, 450-458

    [19] Yang Yu, Zhiyong Wei*, Liuchun Zheng, Chenhao Jin, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li*, Competition and miscibility of isodimorphism and their effects on band spherulites and mechanical properties of poly(butylene succinate-co-cis-butene succinate) unsaturated aliphatic copolyesters, Polymer, 2018, 150, 52-63

    [18] Yang Yu, Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Liu, Zhe Hua, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li*, Effect of chain length of comonomeric diols on competition and miscibility of isodimorphism: A comparative study of poly(butylene glutarate-co-butylene azelate) and poly(octylene glutarate-co-octylene azelate) , European Polymer Journal, 2018, 105, 274-285

    [17] Chenhao Jin, Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Yu, Meili Sui, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li*, Copolymerization of ethylene brassylate with δ-valerolactone towards isodimorphic random copolyesters with continuously tunable mechanical properties, European Polymer Journal, 2018, 102, 90-100

    [16] Tong Wu, Zhiyong Wei*, Yingying Ren, Yang Yu, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li*, Highly branched linear-comb random copolyesters of ε-caprolactone and d-valerolactone: Isodimorphism, mechanical properties and enzymatic degradation behavior, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2018, 155, 173–182

    [15] Yang Yu, Zhiyong Wei*, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li, Facile preparation of stereochemistry-controllable biobased poly(butylene maleate-co-butylene fumarate) unsaturated copolyesters: a chemoselective polymer platform for versatile functionalization via aza-Michael addition, Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 5426-5441

    [14] Xuefei Leng, Yingying Ren, Zhiyong Wei, Yufei Bian, Yang Li*, Synthesis of StarComb Double Crystalline Diblock Copolymer of Poly(ε‐caprolactone)‐blockpoly(L‐lactide): Effect of Chain Topology on Crystallization Behavior, Macromol. Chem.  Phys., 2017, 218, 170-178

    [13] Yang Yu, Zhiyong Wei*, Cheng Zhou, Liuchun Zheng, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li*, Miscibility and competition of cocrystallization behavior of poly (hexamethylene dicarboxylate)s aliphatic copolyesters: Effect of chain length of aliphatic diacids, European Polymer Journal, 2017, 92, 71–85

    [12] Zhiyong Wei*, Yang Yu, Cheng Zhou, Liuchun Zheng, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li*, Relationship between melting behavior and morphological changes of semicrystalline polymers: Evidence from the case of poly(hexamethylene succinate), J Therm Anal Calorim, 2017, 129, 777–787

    [11] Yang Yu, Lin Sang, Zhiyong Wei*, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li, Unique isodimorphism and isomorphism behaviors of even-odd poly(hexamethylene dicarboxylate) aliphatic copolyesters, Polymer, 2017, 115, 106-117

    [10] Yingying Ren, Zhiyong Wei, Xuefei Leng, Tong Wu, Yufei Bian, Yang Li*, Relationships between architectures and properties of highly branched polymers: the cases of amorphous poly(trimethylene carbonate) and crystalline polycaprolactone, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2016, 120, 4078-4090

    [9] Yanshai Wang, Zhiyong Wei, Xuefei Leng, Kaihua Shen, Yang Li*, Highly toughened polylactide with epoxidized polybutadiene by in-situ reactive compatibilization, Polymer, 2016, 92, 74-83

    [8] Cheng Zhou, Zhiyong Wei, Xuefei Leng, Yang Li*, Fully biobased thermoplastic elastomers: synthesis and characterization of poly(L-lactide)-b-polymyrcene-b-poly(L-lactide) triblock copolymers, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 63508-63514

    [7] Yingying Ren, Zhiyong Wei, Tong Wu, Yufei Bian, Xuefei Leng, Cheng Zhou, Yang Li*, Synthesis of highly branched poly(ð-valerolactone)s: A comparative study between comb and linear analogues, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 45791-45801

    [6] Xuefei Leng, Zhiyong Wei, Yingying Ren, Yufei Bian, Qinyi Wang, Yang Li*, Copolymerization of L-lactide/trimethylene carbonate by organocatalysis: controlled synthesis of comb-like graft copolymers with different topology side chain, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 40371-40382

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