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- [141]郭育豪, 刘刚, 黄一.钛合金受压室温蠕变损伤本构模型研究[A],2021,1(1):97-107
- [142]刘刚, 王祖华, 黄秉钧, 刘少杰, 黄一.蛋形深潜器耐压壳变厚度优化设计[J],中国造船,2021,61(4):32-42
- [143]李博文, 高明星, 张延昌, 刘刚, 黄一.FPSO串靠外输时的碰撞性能分析[J],中国海洋大学学报,2021,50(7):135-142
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- [145]Xu, Chuanheng, Liu, Gang, Li, Zhiyuan, Huang, Yi, G (corresponding author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Multiaxial fatigue life prediction of tubular K-joints using an alternative structural stress a...[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,2020,212
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- [147]刘刚, 陈志颖, 徐传恒, 黄一.基于NSIF的应变能密度法评估焊接接头疲劳强度[J],船舶力学,2019,23(12):1475-1485
- [148]Liu, Gang, Zhao, Xiaoling, Huang, Yi, G (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Prediction of stress distribution along the intersection of tubular T-joints by a novel structu...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE,2015,80:216-230
- [149]Liu, Gang, Yingfang, Huang, Yi, G (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A novel structural stress approach for multiaxial fatigue strength assessment of welded joints[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE,2014,63:171-182
- [150]Zhu, Yesen, Liu, Gang, Huang, Yi, Song, Shide, Wang, Xiaona, Xu, Yunze, YZ, Huang, Y (corresponding author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture & Ocean Engn, Linggong Rd 2, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Probing the nonuniform corrosion of pipeline weldments under stepwise increasing solution tempe...[J],MATERIALS AND CORROSION-WERKSTOFFE UND KORROSION,2020,71(8):1386-1399
- [151]徐传恒, 刘刚, 黄一.基于零点结构应力的半潜式海洋平台多轴疲劳寿命评估[A],2019,166-173
- [152]侯俊祥, 刘刚, 黄一.Creep Life Calculation Method Considering Compression Microcrack Closure Effect[A],2018,153-162
- [153]刘刚, 高明星, 陈志颖, 黄一, Gao, Mingxing.基于SGA-BP-GA方法的FPSO舷侧结构耐撞性能优化设计[J],振动与冲击,2019,38(21):62-70
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- [156]周昊, 刘英芳, 刘刚, 黄一, Liu, Gang(liugang@dlut.edu.cn).考虑残余应力的焊接结构多轴疲劳准则[J],焊接学报,2017,38(11):41-46
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- [158]刘刚, 黄一.New parametric equations for SCF of tubular K-joints based on ZPSS approach[A],2016,1(1):1-10
- [159]粟京, 赵晓玲, 刘刚.一种新的海洋平台管节点应力评估方法[J],船舶力学,2016,20(11):1449-1461
- [160]Dong, Leilei, Zhan, Qi, Huang, Yi, Liu, Gang, Qu, Zixin, Q (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture, Dalian, Peoples R China..A general model to predict torsion and curvature increments of tensile armors in unbonded flexi...[J],MARINE STRUCTURES,2019,67