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学科:电机与电器. 高电压与绝缘技术. 电力电子与电力传动
- [41]吴小忠, 顾晓冬, 邬建刚, 廖敏夫, 刘志恒, 张豪.氮气绝缘开关柜大电流温升控制方法[J],电力科学与技术学报,2017,32(3):92-99
- [42]Liao, Minfu, Huang, Jinqiang, Ge, Guowei, Duan, Xiongying, Zhihui, Zou, Jiyan, GW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Elect & Elect Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Vacuum Arc Commutation Characteristics of the DC Microgrid Hybrid Circuit Breakers[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2017,45(8,SI):2172-2178
- [43]赵岩, 廖敏夫, 段雄英, 刘志恒, 葛国伟, Liao, Minfu(409254760@qq.com).激光触发真空开关触发稳定性及时延特性[J],电工技术学报,2017,32(13):178-184
- [44]Liao, Minfu, Ge, Guowei, Duan, Xiongying, Huang, Zhihui, GW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Elect Engn, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..A novel post-arc current measuring equipment based on vacuum arc commutation and arc blow[J],MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2017,28(7)
- [45]吴晓红, 廖敏夫, 葛国伟, 周甫庆.缓释型离子接地装置特性及优化研究[J],电瓷避雷器,2017,03:61-65
- [46]Liu, Zhiheng, Duan, Xiongying, Liao, Minfu, Zou, Jiyan, XY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Elect Engn, Dalian, Peoples R China..A FPGA-based digital synchronous methodology for IEC 61850-9-2 process bus[J],AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS,2017,76:137-145
- [47]伍国兴, 向真, 黄荣辉, 王伟, 廖敏夫, 邹积岩, 刘继峰.相控切除并联电抗器重燃过电压的仿真分析[J],电器与能效管理技术,2017,6:19-25
- [48]刘志恒, 段雄英, 廖敏夫, 邹积岩, 张文娜, Duan, Xiongying(dxy@dlut.edu.cn).罗氏线圈电子式电流互感器积分特性研究[J],电力自动化设备,2017,37(3):191-196
- [49]Liao, Minfu, Ge, Guowei, Duan, Xiongying, Huang, Zhihui, Jinqiang, Zou, Jiyan, MF (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Elect & Elect Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Investigation on the Vacuum Arc Commutating Characteristic With Application to Postarc Current ...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2017,45(2):252-258
- [50]Ge, Guowei, Cheng, Xian, Liao, Minfu, Xue, Qinkuan, Zou, Jiyan.Influence of the Pulsed AMF Arc Control on the Vacuum Arc and Post Arc Characteristic in Vacuum...[A],2017,2017-December:157-160
- [51]廖敏夫.Influence of the pulsed AMF arc control on the vacuum arc and post arc characteristic in vacuum i...[A],2017,157-160
- [52]Cheng, Xian, Chen, Zhanqing, Ge, Guowei, Wang, Yaoqiang, 廖敏夫, Jiao, Lianyao.Dynamic Dielectric Recovery Synergy of Hybrid Circuit Breaker With CO2 Gas and Vacuum Interrupt...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2017,45(10):2885-2892
- [53]高源, 孙学东, 张喆, 葛国伟, 廖敏夫, 张永生, 李红高.10 kV架空裸导线雷击断线机理仿真与试验研究[J],高压电器,2017,53(8):129-133
- [54]廖敏夫, 卢刚, 葛国伟, 段雄英, 黄金强, 邹积岩, 赵琦.不同灭弧室串联的双断口真空断路器分压特性研究[J],高压电器,2017,53(3):112-118
- [55]Duan Xiongying, Lv Guanxiong, Liao Minfu, Guo Yan, Zou Jiyan.Simulation of Controlled Switching of Reactive Power Compensation Line in 35kV System[A],2017,2017-December:957-960
- [56]刘志恒, 段雄英, 廖敏夫, 邹积岩, 张文娜, 邹林, Duan, Xiongying(dxy@dlut.edu.cn).非线性负荷下高准确度数据处理技术[J],高电压技术,2017,43(9):2958-2966
- [57]Liao, Minfu, Ge, Guowei, Huang, Jinqiang, Duan, Xiongying, Zou, Jiyan, GW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Elect Engn, Dalian 116024, Liaoning Provin, Peoples R China..Post-arc current measurement based on current transfer characteristic[J],INSTRUMENTS AND EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES,2017,60(1):78-86
- [58]刘志恒, 邹积岩, 廖敏夫, 段雄英, Duan, Xiongying(dxy@dlut.edu.cn).电子式电流互感器电磁抗干扰仿真与测试[J],高电压技术,2017,43(3):994-999
- [59]Duan, XiongYing, Zou, Jiyan, Guo, Yan, Liao, Minfu, Dong, EnYuan, Li, FuBiao.Study on Inner Vacuum Pressure Measurement System of Vacuum Circuit Breakers[A],2017,2017-December:880-884
- [60]Duan, Xiongying, Guo, Yan, Liao, Minfu, Lv, Guanxiong, Li, Fubiao, Zou, Jiyan.Research of Precision Time Protocol in intelligent switchgears[A],2017,2017-December:890-893