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MiR1918 enhances tomato sensitivity to Phytophthora infestans infection


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2016-10-25


Included Journals:SCIE、PubMed、Scopus


Page Number:35858

ISSN No.:2045-2322

Abstract:Late blight of tomato is caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans. In our previous work, we identified and characterized a miR1918 in P. infestans (pi-miR1918), and showed that its sequence is similar to the sequence of tomato miR1918 (sly-miR1918). In this study, we used Arabidopsis thaliana pre-miR159a as a backbone to synthesize pi-miR1918 via PCR and mutagenesis. The artificial pi-miR1918 was used to investigate the role of miR1918 in tomato-P. infestans interaction. Trangenic tomato plants that overexpressed the artificial pi-miR1918 displayed more serious disease symptoms than wild-type tomato plants after infection with P. infestans, as shown by increased number of necrotic cells, lesion sizes and number of sporangia per leaf. The target genes of pi-miR1918 and sly-miR1918 were also predicted for tomato and P. infestans, respectively. qPCR analysis of these targets also performed during tomato-P. infestans interaction. The expression of target gene, RING finger were negatively correlated with miR1918 in the all Lines of transgenic tomato plants. In addition, we used the 5' RACE to determine the cleavage site of miR1918 to RING finger. These results suggested that miR1918 might be involved in the silencing of target genes, thereby enhancing the susceptibility of tomato to P. infestans infection.

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