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    • 副教授       硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:中国科学技术大学
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:软件学院、国际信息与软件学院
    • 学科:软件工程
    • 办公地点:开发区校区综合楼413.
    • 电子邮箱:qzq@dlut.edu.cn




    A Joint Duty Cycle and Network Coding MAC Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks





    摘要:Currently, various Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols have been proposed for underwater wireless sensor networks. Unlike terrestrial networks, underwater networks utilize acoustic waves, which have comparatively lower loss and longer range in underwater environments. However, the use of acoustic waves incurs long propagation delays that typically lead to low throughput especially in protocols that require receiver feedback such as multimedia stream delivery and the energy cost of transmission is much higher than receptions. Thus, collision and retransmission should be reduced in practice in order to reduce energy cost and improve throughput. Based on these motivations, we propose a novel MAC protocol called NCDCMAC. NCDC-MAC leverages network coding and duty cycle, the combination of which is seldom explored, to solve these challenges. Heterogeneous wireless networks and node roles are considered while designing our algorithms. Meanwhile, fairness including schedule and service time assignment is supported in our approach. Extensive simulations show that our approach can achieve significantly better performance.