关键字:Wireless Sensor Networks; Green Networks; uSDCard; Temperature Monitoring; Metropolitan Heating
摘要:In this paper(1), we present the architecture, design, and simulation of an intelligent system for Temperature Monitoring used in metropolitan heating. The system consists of several TelosB-compatible motes, a Nokia uSDCard, and a smart phone. We use TelosB Motes to collect temperature data, and to transport the data to the smart phone. The uSDCard, as the middle layer, connects the smart phone with the ZigBee compatible devices. The smart phone, as the terminal, processes data and manages the TelosB Motes. We use the smart phone as the final terminal because it has a rich set of user interfaces and has access to various kinds of networks, allowing our system to be extended more easily and more user-friendly. In real scenes, our system can reduce the temperature reading fluctuation, and ultimately save the energy consumption for heating companies, providing a better living environment for indoor users.