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    • 副教授       硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:中国科学技术大学
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:软件学院、国际信息与软件学院
    • 学科:软件工程
    • 办公地点:开发区校区综合楼413.
    • 电子邮箱:qzq@dlut.edu.cn




    A node QoS-considered routing metric framework for heterogeneous wireless mesh networks




    发表刊物:Journal of Computational Information Systems






    摘要:Heterogeneous wireless mesh network (HWMN) emerges as a highly integrated, robust and high bandwidth wireless network. Routing metric for HWMN should guarantee the QoS and security of nodes. Routing metric requires two characteristics. First, it is the ability to reflect path quality including nodes and links along the path, which is named node quality and link quality in this paper. The security parameters and security levels can be reflected by node quality. Second, the metric should be able to depict the heterogeneity of nodes in different sub mesh networks. The sub networks are divided into two kinds of network, slotted network and no-slotted network. Based on the QoS and security requirements, a framework of metric for HWMN is first present in this paper. According to the framework, a novel metric, busyness and load adjusted ETX, named as BLETX is then proposed. BLETX utilizes degree of busyness and load of node to describe node quality and ETX to depict link quality. The security and the abnormal of a malicious node can be reflected by node quality. Simulation results show that BLETX is suitable for both kinds of sub networks, and capacity of sub networks can be improved comparing with that only considering path quality, such as ETX. Copyright ? 2012 Binary Information Press.