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1. Yinhao Li, Yutaro Iwamoto, Lanfen Lin, Rui Xu, Ruofeng Tong, Yen-Wei Chen, VolumeNet: A Lightweight Parallel Network for Super-Resolution of MR and CT Volumetric Data, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30 :4840-4854, 2021. (CCF-A)
2. Rui Xu, Tiantian Liu, Xinchen Ye*, Fei Liu, Lin Lin, Liang Li, Satoshi Tanaka, Yen-Wei Chen, Joint Extraction of Retinal Vessels and Centerlines Based on Deep Semantics and Multi-Scaled Cross-Task Aggregation, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25 (7): 2722-2732, 2021.(中科院1区Top期刊,已接收)
3. Fangyi Xu, Wenchao Zhu, Yao Shen, Jian Wang, Rui Xu, Chooah Outesh, Lijiang Song, Yi Gan, Cailing Pu, Hongjie Hu, Radiomic-Based Quantitative CT Analysis of Pure Ground-Glass Nodules to Predict the Invasiveness of Lung Adenocarcinoma, Front. Oncol. 10:872. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00872, 2020. (中科院二区)
4. Xinchen Ye*, Shude Chen, Rui Xu, DPNet: Detail-Preserving Network for High Quality Monocular Depth Estimation, Pattern Recognition, Accepted, 2020.(CCF-B, 中科院1区TOP)
5. Xinchen Ye, Baoli Sun, Zhihui Wang*, Jingyu Yang, Rui Xu, Haojie Li, Baopu Li, PMBANet: Progressive Multi-Branch Aggregation Network for Scene Depth Super-Resolution, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Accepted, 2020. (CCF-A, 中科院1区TOP)
6. Xinchen Ye,Zheng Li,Baoli Sun,Zhihui Wang*,Rui Xu,Haojie Li,Xin Fan; Deep Joint Depth Estimation and Color Correction from Monocular Underwater Images based on Unsupervised Adaptation Networks, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2019.2958950, 2020. (CCF-B, 中科院2区)
7. Zhihui Wang, Xinchen Ye*, Baoli Sun, Jingyu Yang, Rui Xu, Haojie Li, Depth Upsampling based on Deep Edge-Aware Learning, Pattern Recognition, Pattern Recognition, DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107274, 2020. (CCF-B, 中科院1区TOP)
8. Rui Xu, Zhen Cong, Xinchen Ye*, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kido, Tomoko Gyobu, Yutaka Kawata, Osama Honda, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Pulmonary Textures Classification via a Multi-Scale Attention Network, IEEE Journal of Bimedical and Health Informatics 24 (7) : 2014-2052, 2020. (中科院1区Top)
1. Rui Xu, Yufeng Wang, Xinchen Ye, Pengcheng Wu, Yen-Wei Chen, Fangyi Xu, Wenchao Zhu, Chao Chen, Yong Zhou, Hongjie Hu, Xiaofeng Qu, Shoji Kido, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Pixel-Level and Affinity-Level Knowledge Distillation for Unsupervised Segmentation of Covid-19 Lesions, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Singapore, May 22-27, 2022. (CCF-B)2. Wei Zhong, Yazhi Yuan, Xinchen Ye, Dian Zheng, Rui Xu, Underwater Stereo Matching Via Unsupervised Appearance And Feature Adaptation Networks, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Singapore, May 22-27, 2022. (CCF-B)
3. Rui Xu, Yuening Zhang, Xinchen Ye, Fu Jin, Xia Tan, Huanli Luo, Unsupervised MR to CT Image Translation Exploiting Multi-scale and Contextual Cues, Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare (InMed), 161-170, 2022.
4. Rui Xu, Jiaxin Zhao, Xinchen Ye, Pengcheng Wu, Zhihui Wang, Haojie Li, Yen-Wei Chen, Local-Region and Cross-Dataset Contrastive Learning for Retinal Vessel Segmentation, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI), Singapore, Sep. 18-22, 2022. (医学图像处理顶级国际会议)
5. Xinchen Ye, Zheng Sun, Rui Xu, Zhihui Wang, Haojie Li, Low-Dose CT Reconstruction via Dual-Domain Learning and Controllable Modulation, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI), Singapore, Sep. 18-22, 2022. (医学图像处理顶级国际会议)
6. Rui Xu, Xiao Cao, Yufeng Wang, Yen-wei Chen, Xinchen Ye*, Lin Lin, Wenchao Zhu, Chao Chen, Fangyi Xu, Yong Zhou, Hongjie Hu, Shoji Kido, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Unsupervised Detection of Pulmonary Opacities for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of COVID-19 on CT Images, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Mila, Italy, January 10-15, 2021. (CCF-C)
7. Xinchen Ye, Yuyao Xu, Rui Xu*, Shoji Kido, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Detail-Revealing Deep Low-Dose CT Reconstruction, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Mila, Italy, January 10-15, 2021. (CCF-C)
8. Rui Xu, Yi Wang, Tiantian Liu, Xinchen Ye*, Lin Lin, Yen-wei Chen, Shoji Kido, Noriyuki Tomiyama, BG-Net: Boundary-Guided Network for Lung Segmentation on Clinical CT Images, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Mila, Italy, January 10-15, 2021. (CCF-C)
9. Rui Xu, Tiantian Liu, Xinchen Ye, Yen-Wei Chen*, Lin Lin, Yen-Wei Chen, Boosting Connectivity in Retinal Vessel Segmentation via a Recursive Semantics-Guided Network, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2020), Virtual Lima, Peru, October 4th-8th, 2020. (arXiv Version : https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.12776) (医学图像处理顶级会议)
10. Rui Xu, Xinchen Ye*, Guiliang Jiang, Tiantian Liu, Liang Li, Satoshi Tanaka, Retinal Vessel Segmentation via a Semantics and Multi-Scale Aggregation Network, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), Virtual Barcelona, May 4-8 2020. (CCF-B)
11. Rui Xu, Zhen Cong, Xinchen Ye*, Shoji Kido, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Unsupervised Content-Perserved Adaptation Network for Classification of Pulmonary Textures from Different CT Scanners, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), Virtual Barcelona, May 4-8 2020. (CCF-B)
12. Xinchen Ye*, Mingliang Zhang, Xin Fan, Rui Xu, Juncheng Pu, Ruoke Yan, Cascaded Detail-Aware Network for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME 2020), London, UK. (CCF-B).
13. Xinchen Ye*, Mingliang Zhang, Rui Xu, Wei Zhong, Xin Fan, Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation based on Dual Attention Mechanism and Depth-Aware Loss. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME 2019), Shanghai, China. (CCF-B)
14. Rui Xu, Zhen Cong, Xinchen Ye*, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kido, Pulmonary Textures Classification Using a Deep Neural Network with Appearance and Geometry Gues, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018), Calgary, Alberta, April 15-20 2018. (CCF-B)
15. Rui Xu, Guiliang Jiang, Xinchen Ye*, Yen-Wei Chen, Retinal Vessel Segmentation via Multiscaled Deep Guidance, Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2018 (PCM 2018), Hefei, China, September 21-22, 2018. (CCF-C)
16. Xinchen Ye*, Hongcan Xu, Xiang Ji, Rui Xu, Underwater Image Enhancement using Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks. Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2018 (PCM 2018), Hefei, China, September 21-22, 2018. (CCF-C)
17. Rui Xu, Jiao Pan, Xinchen Ye, Yasuhi Hirano, Shoji Kido, Satoshi Tanaka, A pilot study to utilize a deep convolutional network to segment lungs with complex opacities, 2017 Chinese Automation Congress :3291-3295, 2017.
1. Rui Xu, Xinchen Ye, Lin Lin, Haojie Li, Xin Fan, Zhongxuan Luo, Method Based on Deep Neural Network to Extract Appearance and Geometry Features for Pulmonary Texture Classification, 2021-11-09, 美国专利,US011170502B2. (已授权)
2. Xinchen Ye, Rui Xu, Fan Xin, Depth Estimation and Color Correction Method for Monocular Underwater Images based on Deep Neural Network, 2022-4-5, 美国专利, US11295168. (已授权)
3. Rui Xu, Xinchen Ye, Haojie Li, Lin Lin, Deep Network Lung Texture Recognition Method Combined with Multi-Scale Attention, 2020-12-4, 美国专利,US17112367. (申请中)
4. Rui Xu, Xinchen Ye, Haojie Li, Lin Lin, Unsupervised Content-Preserved Domain Adaptation Method for Multiple CT Lung Texture Recognition, 2020-12-4, 美国专利, US171122623. (申请中)
5. Xinchen Ye, Rui Xu, Xin Fan, Monocular unsupervised depth estimation method based on contextual attention mechanism, 2021-12-16,美国专利 US17109838. (申请中)
1. 徐睿;叶昕辰;丛臻,一种结合多尺度注意力的深层网络肺部纹理识别方法,2020,中国,202010541939.4,申请中
2. 徐睿;叶昕辰;丛臻,面向多种CT肺部纹理识别的非监督保内容域适应方法,2020,中国,202010541959.1,申请中
3. 徐睿;叶昕辰;姜桂良;刘恬恬, 一种语义和多尺度融合网络的眼底图像血管分割方法,2020,中国,202010541936.0,申请中
4. 叶昕辰;吕佳龙;徐睿;樊鑫,一种基于卷积神经网络的立体视觉无监督深度估计方法,2020,中国,202010541511.X,申请中
5. 叶昕辰;徐睿;樊鑫;张明亮,一种基于上下文注意力机制的单目无监督深度估计方法,2020,中国,202010541514.3,申请中
6. 叶昕辰;黄宏威;徐睿; 樊鑫,一种基于深度神经网络的单目水下图像深度估计和颜色矫正方法,2020,中国,202010541535.5,申请中
7. 叶昕辰;徐睿;孙宝利;王智慧;李豪杰,一种基于深度神经网络的多信息渐进融合的场景深度超分辨率方法,2020,中国,202010541526.6,申请
8. 叶昕辰;徐禹尧;徐睿;樊鑫,一种基于孪生反馈网络的低剂量CT重建方法,2020,中国,202010541512.4,申请中
9. 徐睿;叶昕辰;姜桂良,一种基于多尺度深监督网络的视网膜图像血管分割方法,2019,中国,201811471196.7,申请中
10. 徐睿;叶昕辰;丛臻,一种基于深度神经网络提取表现和几何特征的肺部纹理识别方法,2018, 中国,CN201810206846.9,已授权
1. 王晟; 長谷川恭子; 徐睿; 岡本篤志; 田中觉, 2017年日本可视化技术情报学会技术奖, 日本可视化情报协会, 最佳论文奖, 国际学术奖, 2017.
2. Xiangrong Zhou; Rui Xu; Takeshi Hara; Yasushi Hirano; Ryujiro Yokoyama; Masayuki Kanematsu; Hiroaki Hoshi; Shoji Kido; Hiroshi Fujita, Doi Award in Diagnostic Imaging, Japanese Society on Radiological Technology / Medical Physics, Best Paper Award, Academic Award in Japan, 2015
1. Rui Xu, Shoji Kido, Kazuyoshi Suga, Yasushi Hirano, Rie Tachibana, Keiichiro Muromatsu, Kazuki Chagawa, Satoshi Tanaka, "Texture analysis on 18F-FDG PET/CT images to differentiate malignant and benign bone and soft-tissue lesions", Annals of Nuclear Medicine, Volume 28, Issue 9, pp. 926-935, 2014. (SCI)
2. Wei Zhao, Rui Xu, Yasushi Hirano, Rie Tachibana and Shoji Kido, "A Sparse Representation Based Method to Classify Pulmonary Patterns of Diffuse Lung Diseases", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, accepted, (SCI)
3. Xiangrong Zhou, Rui Xu, Takeshi Hara, Yasushi Hirano, Ryujiro Yokoyama, Masayuki Kanematsu, Hiroaki Hoshi, Shoji Kido, Hiroshi Fujita, "Development and evaluation of statistical shape modeing for principal inner organs on torso CT images", Radiological Physics and Technology, vol. 7, issue 2, pp. 277-283, 2014.
4. Rui Xu, Xiangrong Zhou, Yasushi Hirano, Rie Tachibana, Takeshi Hara, Shoji Kido and Hiroshi Fujita, " Particle-System Based Adaptive Sampling on Spherical Parameter Space to Improve the MDL Method for Construction of Statistical Shape Models", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2013, Article ID 196259, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/196259 (9 pages), 2013. (SCI)
5. Windra Swastika, Yoshitada Masuda, Rui Xu, Shoji Kido, Yen-Wei Chen and Hideaki Haneishi, " GND-PCA-Based Statistical Modeling of Diaphragm Motion Extracted from 4D MRI", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2013, Article ID 482941, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/482941 (9 pages), 2013. (SCI)
6. Rui Xu, Yasushi Hirano, Rie Tachibana, Shoji Kido, "A Bag-of-Features Approach to Classify Six Type of Pulmonary Textures on High-Resolution Computed Tomography", IEICE Trans Information & Systems, vol. E96-D, no.4, pp. 845-855, 2013. (SCI)
7. Wei Zhao, Rui Xu, Yasushi Hirano, Rie Tachibana, Shoji Kido, Narufumi Suganuma, "Classification of Pneumoconiosis on HRCT Images for Computer-aided Diagnosis", IEICE Trans Information & Systems, vol. E96-D, no.4, pp. 836-844, 2013. (SCI)
8. 平野 靖, 徐 睿, 橘 理恵, 木戸 尚治,“一般化空洞強調フィルタによる胸部CT像からの気管支領域抽出手法の開発”,電子通信情報学会論文誌,vol. J96-D, no.4, pp. 824-833, 2013.
9. 空尾 英樹, 徐 睿, 平野 靖, 木戸 尚治,"MPIを用いたITKによる並列プログラム作成支援マクロの拡張",Medical Image Technology, vol.31, no.1, pp. 32-4, 2013.
10. 秋山 亮太, 徐 睿, 平野 靖, 木戸 尚治,"GPUとCUDAを用いた並列画像処理プログラムの作成支援環境の構築", Medical Image Technology, vol.31, no.1, pp. 42-51, 2013.
11. 橘 理恵,平野 靖,徐 睿,木戸 尚治,菅 一能,“デコンボリューション法によるPET画像上の部分容積効果補正法の検討”,Medical Image Technology, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 123-129, 2012.
12. 平野 靖, 徐 睿, 橘 理恵, 木戸 尚治,“空洞強調フィルタとその気管支領域抽出手法への応用”,Medical Image Technology, Vol.30, No.1, pp.33-42, 2012.
13. Yen-Wei Chen, Rui Xu and Akira Ushikome, "Serially-Connected Dual 2D PCA for Efficient Face Representation and Face Recognition," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol.5, no. 11(B), pp.4367-4372, 2009.
14. Xu Qiao, Rui Xu, Yen-Wei Chen, Takanori Igarashi, Keisuke Nakao and Akio Kashimoto, "Generalized N-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis (GND-PCA) Based Statistical Appearance Modeling of Facial Images with Multiple Modes," IPSJ Transaction on Computer Vision and Applications, vol.1, pp.231-24, 2009.
15. Rui Xu and Yen-wei Chen, “Generalized N-dimensional Principal Component Analysis (GND-PCA) and Its Application on Construction of Statistical Appearance Models for Medical Volumes with Fewer Samples”, Neurocomputing, vol.72, pp.2276-2287, 2009. (SCI)
16. Rui Xu, Yen-Wei Chen, Song-Yuan Tang, Shigehiro Morikawa and Yoshimasa Kurumi, “Parzen-window based normalized mutual information for medical image registration,” IEICE Trans Information & Systems, Vol. E91-D, No.1, pp.132-144, 2008. (SCI)
17. Rui Xu, Yen-Wei Chen, Song-Yuan Tang, Shigehiro Morikawa, Hasnine Akter Haque and Yoshimasa Kurumi, “3D Non-rigid Image Registration Algorithm for MR-Guided Microwave Thermocoagulation of Liver Tumors,” Medical Imaging Technology, Vol. 25, No.4, pp.261-276, 2007.
18. Rui Xu and Yen-Wei Chen, “Wavelet-based Multiresolution Medical Image Registration Strategy Combining Mutual Information with Spatial Information,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol.3, no. 2, pp.285-296, 2007.
19. Lian-Wen Jin, Rui Xu, Duanduan Yang, Li-Xin Zhen, Jian-Cheng Huang, "Finger Writing: A Novel Virtual Character Recognition HCI Approach", Acta Electronica Sinica, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp.396-401, 2007.
1. Rui Xu, Kyoko Hasegawa, Satoshi Tanaka, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kido, "Fast transparent and fused visualization of pulmonary structures represented by large-scale complex polygon meshes", 28th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2014), Fukuoka, Japan, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol.1 supplement, 2014.
2. Wei Zhao, Rui Xu, Yasushi Hirano, Rie Tachibana and Shoji Kido, "Classification of Diffuse Lung Diseases Patterns by a Sparse Representation Based Method on HRCT Images", 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Osaka, Japan, pp.5457-5460, 2013.
3. Shoji Kido, Ryo Tanaka, Rui Xu, Yasushi Hirano, "A Computer-aided Classification Scheme for Attenuation Patterns Caused by Diffuse Lung Diseases on Three-dimensional CT Images", 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2012), Chicago, USA. 2012.
4. H.Fujita, F.Nogata, H.Jiang, S.Kido, T.Feng, T.Hara, T.Hayashi, Y.Hirano, A.Katsumata, Y.Kawamura, T.Kokubo, J.Liu, C.Muramatsu, H.Shouno, R.Tachibana, X.Wang , F.Xiang, R.Xu, B.Yang, Y.Yokota, L.Zhang, Q.Li and Z.Guo, "Medical Image Processing and Computer-Aided Detection/Diagnosis (CAD)", Proceedings of International Conference on Computerized Healthcare (ICCH) 2012, Hong Kong, China, pp. 66-71, 2012.
5. Windra Swastika, Yoshitada Masuda, Rui Xu, Shoji Kido, Yen-Wei Chen, Hideaki Haneishi, "Statistical modeling of diaphragm motion extracted from 4D-MRI using 1DPCA and 2DPCA", Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2012, Daejeon, Korea, P2-11, 2012.
6. Shotaro Yamaguchi, Xiangrong Zhou, Rui Xu, Takeshi Hara, Ryujiro Yokoyama, Masayuki Kanematsu, Hiroaki Hoshi, Shoji Kido, Hiroshi Fujita, "Construction of statistical shape models of organs in torso CT scans using MDL method", Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2012, Daejeon, Korea, P2-33, 2012
7. Ryo Tanaka, Rui Xu, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kido, "Computer-aided analysis of diffuse lung diseases: the effect of opacity distribution", Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2012, Daejeon, Korea, 05-4, 2012.
8. Hisashi Ozaki, Rui Xu, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kido, "Development of Programming Environment for Computer-Aided Diagnosis System with Web interface", Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2012, Daejeon, Korea, 05-3., 2012.
9. Rie Tachibana,Shoji Kido,Yasushi Hirano, Rui Xu, "Reliability Evaluation of Radiologist and Semiautomatic Segmentation Algorithm for Small Pulmonary Nodules", 97th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2011), Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations, Chicago, USA, p.150, 2012.
10. Yasushi Hirano, Rui Xu, Rie Tachibana, and Shoji Kido, "A Method for Extracting Airway Trees by Using a Cavity Enhancement Filter", Proceedings of The Fourth International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, Toronto, Canada, pp.91-99, 2011.
11. Rui Xu, Yasushi Hirano, Rie Tachibana, and Shoji Kido, "Classification of Diffuse Lung Disease Patterns on High-Resolution Computed Tomography by a Bag of Words Approach", Proceedings of MICCAI 2011, Toronto, Canada, Part III, LNCS 6893, pp.183-190., 2011. (医学图像处理顶级国际会议)
12. Yasushi Hirano, Rui Xu, Shoji Kido, Xian Chen, Katsuya Ishii, "Numerical simulation of respiratory function for pulmonary lobectomy", Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2011, Naha, Japan, pp.111-112, 2011.
13. Rui Xu, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kido, Morimasa Tomikawa, Makoto Hashizume, Yen Wei Chen, "3D Non-rigid Image Registration for Open-MR Guided Pneumoperitoneum in Laparoscopic Surgery", 2010 International Conference on Future Computer, Control and Communication (FCCC2010), Nanning, China, pp.258-261, 2010.
14. Shoji Kido, Rui Xu, Yasushi Hirano, "Computer-aided Diagnosis for Diffuse Lung Diseases on Three-dimensional Thoracic CT images", 2010 International Conference on Future Computer, Control and Communication (FCCC2010), Nanning, China, pp.262-265, 2010.
15. Yen-Wei Chen, Katsumi Tsubokawa, Rui Xu, Shigehiro Morikawa, Yoshimasa Kurumi, “Semiauotomatic non-rigid 3-D image registration for MR-Guided Liver Cancer Surgery”, 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'08), USA, pp.1800-1803, 2008.
16. Rui Xu and Yen-Wei Chen, "Appearance models for medical volumes with few samples by generalized 3D-PCA", 14th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'07), Kitakyushu, Japan. LNCS 4984, pp.821-830, 2008.
17. Yen-Wei Chen, Rui Xu, Song-Yuan Tang, Shigehiro Morikawa, Yoshimasa Kurumi, ”Non-rigid MR-CT Image Registration for MR-Guided Liver Cancer Surgery,” IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME'07), Beijing, China, pp.1756-1760, 2007.
18. Rui Xu, Yen-Wei Chen, Song-Yuan Tang, Shigehiro Morikawa, Yoshimasa Kurumi, “Application of Non-rigid Medical Image Registration on Open-MR based Liver Cancer Surgery”. 20th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS'06), Osaka, Japan, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol.1 supplement, No. 1, pp. 286-288, 2006.
19. Songyuan Tang, Yen-wei Chen, Rui Xu, Yongtian Wang, Shigehiro Morikawa, Yoshimasa Kurumi, “MR-CT Image Registration in Liver Cancer Treatment with an Open Configuration MR Scanner,” Third International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR'06), Utrecht, The Netherlands, LNCS 4057, pp.289-296, 2006.
20. Song-Yuan Tang, Yen-Wei Chen, Rui Xu, Yongtian Wang, Shigehiro Morikawa and Yoshimasa Kurumi, "A semiautomatic nonrigid registration in liver cancer treatment with an open MR system," 16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT'06), Huangzhou, China, LNCS 4282, pp.802-810, 2006.
1. Rui Xu, Yen-Wei Chen, Shigehiro Morikawa, Yoshimasa Kurumi, “3D Nonrigid image registration by parzen-window based normalized mutual information and its application on MR-guided microwave thermocoagulation of liver tumors”, The chapter 5 of Biomedical Image understanding: Methods and Applications (Joo-Hwee Lim, Sim-Heng Ong, Wei Xiong), Wiley, (2015年出版)