
- 性别:男
- 出生日期:1991-02-07
- 毕业院校:东北大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:控制科学与工程学院
- 学科:控制理论与控制工程
- 办公地点:海山楼B1603
- 电子邮箱:shiyan@dlut.edu.cn
[1] Fang Zhou Liu, 石岩, Chong Yi Sun, 孙希明.Improved real-time [formula omitted] control for aero-engines based on the equilibrium manifold expa[J],Journal of the Franklin Institute,2024,18
[2] Liu, Fang-Zhou, 孙翀贻, 石岩, 孙希明.Improved real-time H∞ control for aero-engines based on the equilibrium manifold expansion model[J],Journal of the Franklin Institute,2024,361(18)
[3] 刘硕硕, 李鹏, 石岩, Sun, Tao, 赵旭东.Transient-State Adaptive Optimal Control of Aircraft Engine Systems with Input Saturation[J],IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,2024
[4] 时之媛, 赵亮, 石岩.Starting Control of Free Piston Engine Linear Generator Based on Simulated annealing Algorithm to Op[A],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2024,114-119
[5] 唐平, Zhao, Liang, 杨斌, 石岩, Wang, Peng.Displacement Profile Optimization of Free Piston Engine Generator[A],Proceedings - 2024 39th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, YAC 2024,2024,992-996
[6] Wen, Si-Xin, 潘卓锐, 石岩, 孙希明, Sun, Xi-Ming.Practical bumpless transfer design for switched linear systems: application to aeroengines[J],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023,1-10
[7] Chen, Weizhong, 石岩, 费中阳, Shi, Yan.Time and switching signal scheduled bumpless transfer control for switched systems with application [J],Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems,2023,48
[8] 吴桢, 石岩, 费中阳, Liu, Xiaofeng, Fei, Zhongyang.Mode-Recovered Bumpless Transfer Control for Aeroengines With Switched Models[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS,2024,60(2):2183-2192
[9] 曹圣乾, 石岩, 汪锐, Cao, Shengqian.Optimal Control of Aero-engine Systems Based on a Switched LPV Model with Constraints[A],Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2023,2023,532-537