Date of Publication:2022-10-06
Journal:Chuan Bo Li Xue/Journal of Ship Mechanics
Page Number:869-878
ISSN No.:1007-7294
Abstract:The ice load monitoring system for ships navigating in the ice-covered waters can guarantee the structural safety in real time. The strain sensors in the general ice load monitoring system are usually arranged around the waterline in the ice-covered zone. However, it is usually hard to enter the zone around the waterline due to the watertight compartment. To overcome the restriction of installation site, a far-field ice load identification model for the shell structure of a ship was proposed in this paper. The Dirac function was adopted to establish the Green matrix between the loads applied on the monitoring points and the ice-induced strains on the measurement points. And the Picard criteria were used to analyze the ill-posed characteristics of the load identification system. The conjugate gradient least squares iterative algorithm and the moving average filter were adopted to improve the solution accuracy and to reduce the effect of noise signal. And then the identification model was applied in the load identification test of the shell structure. The identified loads can be fitted well to the time-domain characteristics of the applied loads and the accuracy of the identification loads was satisfactory. The ice load identification model proposed in this paper is an extension of the general ice load monitoring scheme and could significantly extend the monitoring range. © 2021, Editorial Board of Journal of Ship Mechanics. All right reserved.