Date of Publication:2022-10-06
Journal:Chuan Bo Li Xue/Journal of Ship Mechanics
Page Number:1021-1030
ISSN No.:1007-7294
Abstract:As the critical environmental loads for ice-going ships, ice loads can cause severe structural damage or fatigue damage to the ship structure, thus greatly influencing the structural safety. The effects of dynamic loads are reasonably accounted in the ice load identification model based on time-domain deconvolution algorithm. However, the computational stability and identification accuracy are significantly affected by the time interval for sampling of ice-induced strain signals. The forward problem of ice load identification on ship shell structure is established using Green kernel. Then the Tikhonov regularization operator and generalized cross validation method are applied to improve the stability of solution. Combining the selecting principles of dynamic load identification, ice loads measured in full-scale, and natural vibration characteristics of shell structures, the sampling time of signals is determined. Through construction and analysis of the cases consisting of applied loads with different frequencies and noise signals of different levels, the applicability of the determined sampling time for the load identification is evaluated. It is shown with the identified loads that the time-historical features of the applied loads are correctly revealed and a desirable identification accuracy is realized. © 2021, Editorial Board of Journal of Ship Mechanics. All right reserved.