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Date of Publication:2022-10-06



Page Number:154-161,153

ISSN No.:1000-4750

Abstract:Based on the characteristics of sea ice drifting and ridging at meso-small scale, Drucker-Prager (D-P) yield criteria was introduced into the viscoelastic-plastic constitutive (VEP) model for sea ice dynamics. In this model, the Kelvin-Vogit viscoelastic model was adopted in the elastic stage, and the associated normal flow rule was used in the plastic stage. Using the VEP model above, some numerical simulations were carried out to model sea ice ridging process in an idealized rectangular basin. The simulated ice ridge thickness matched the analytical solution well. Moreover, the VEP model with D-P criteria was also applied to the numerical simulation of the sea ice in Bohai Sea. The simulated thickness, concentration, velocity and ice stress agree with those from the satellite images. The simulated results with D-P criteria were similar to that of Mohr-Coulomb (M-C) criteria, but the singular problem in M-C criteria was overcome with D-P criteria, and the computational efficiency was also improved. In the numerical simulations above, the smoothed particle hydrodynamics was applied in sea ice dynamics. The VEP model with D-P yield criteria was validated with both of the numerical simulations above.


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