Scientific Research
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- 洪杉杉, 张广帅, 蔡悦荫, 张超, songchangchun, Liu Zhihong, XIN Zhuohang.河口盐沼湿地植被碳汇能力对水文连通性的响应研究进展[J],生态学杂志,2024
- 陈贞波, 辛帅, Zhang, Chi, Liu Zhihong, songchangchun.Effects of Long-Term (17 Years) Nitrogen Input on Soil Bacterial Community in Sanjiang Plain: The Largest Marsh Wetland in China.[J],Microorganisms,11(6)
- 刘丹彤, 徐怡沛, songchangchun, XIN Zhuohang, Fang, Chong, Liu Zhihong.Agricultural management strategies for balancing yield increase, carbon sequestration, and emission reduction after straw return for three major grain crops in China: A meta-analysis.[J],Journal of environmental management,340:117965
- 范茂森, XIN Zhuohang, Ye, Lei, songchangchun, Wang, Ye, Guo, Yuedong.Changes in Soil Freeze Depth in Response to Climatic Factors in the High-Latitude Regions of Northeast China[J],SUSTAINABILITY,2024,15(8)
- Zhao, Lei, 徐怡沛, songchangchun, Fang, Chong, XIN Zhuohang, Liu Zhihong, Zhang, Chi.Spatiotemporal variation of long-term surface and vertical suspended particulate matter in the Liaohe estuary, China[J],Ecological Indicators,2024,151
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Doctoral Degree