Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2016-01-01
Journal:International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Included Journals:EI
Page Number:329-342
ISSN No.:19750080
Abstract:Automatic tool changer system with high operability is the critical component of high efficiency automated machine tools. This paper introduces an interactive simulating platform for an automatic tool changer system based on virtual reality technology, with which students can know the structure of chain tool library, the principle of tool changing manipulator and the various cutting tools. In this paper the frame structure of the interactive simulating platform and the working principle of the platform were explained. The motion control mechanism of components of automatic tool changer system was elaborated in the way of taking the process of changing cutting tools as an example. The interactive simulating platform of the automatic tool changer system utilizes browser-based structure, Java3D, virtual, Java Applet and some other technologies to develop a Web3D virtual reality learning environment, with the advantages of easy understandability, good interactivity, strong sense of reality, simple updatability, small investments and so forth, which can satisfy the requirements of online learning for many students at the same time. It is very important in the distance online education or vocational skills remote training of mechanical engineering. © 2016 SERSC.