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Multifunctional design of 2D combinational lattice materials


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2008-06-03

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus

Page Number:811-814

Key Words:Kagome materials; energy absorption; honeycomb; in-plane crush

Abstract:This paper analyzes energy absorption performance of 2D Kagome materials in comparison with other conventional materials which have triangular, hexagonal or diamond cells. The first part of this paper gives the details of the experiment on the quasi-static crush behaviors under in-plane compression. The experimental results prove that the energy absorption performance of Kagome is superior to other cellular materials with the same volumes and structural sizes. Furthermore, numerical simulation results under low velocity impact are also demonstrated in this paper, which again shows the same phenomenon.

Pre One:正交各向异性蜂窝材料多功能优化设计

Next One:二维多孔材料散热性能分析与设计