Date of Publication:2014-01-01
Affiliation of Author(s):运载工程与力学学部
Page Number:498-509
ISSN No.:1000-0887
Abstract:Beam elements with absolute nodal coordinates played an important role
in the geometric nonlinear analysis of structures and dynamics of
flexible multibody systems. One of such elements was the beam element
based on the exact geometric beam model,in which the process of
obtaining internal nodal forces involved interpolations of rotational
angles,resulting in some numerical difficulties. Another such element
proposed by Shabana,avoided the angular interpolations by replacing the
nodal rotation parameters with many newly introduced nodal parameters.
In accordance with the exact virtual power equations for beams with
large deformations and the relationships between tangents of the beam
centroid line and curvatures of the beam sections,a new spatial beam
element with absolute nodal coordinates was presented. The nodal
parameters of the presented element are the same with those of the
element based on the exact geometric beam model,but the internal forces
can be obtained without angular interpolations. Numerical examples
verify its validity through comparison with the analytical results.