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Fabrication of functional hollow carbon spheres with large hollow interior as active colloidal catalysts


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2012-05-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、ISTIC



Page Number:251-256

ISSN No.:1003-9953

Key Words:hollow carbon spheres; hydrothermal synthesis; ion-exchange; colloidal catalysts

Abstract:In this study, we have established a facile method to synthesize functional hollow carbon spheres with large hollow interior, which can act as active colloidal catalysts. The method includes the following steps: first, hollow polymer spheres with large hollow interior were prepared using sodium oleate as the hollow core generator, and 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and hexamethylene tetramine (HMT) as the polymer precursors under hydrothermal conditions; Fe3+ or Ag+ cations were then introduced into the as-prepared hollow polymer spheres through the carboxyl groups; finally, the hollow polymer spheres can be pseudomorphically converted to hollow carbon spheres during pyrolysis process, meanwhile iron or silver nanoparticles can also be formed in the carbon shell simultaneously. The structures of the obtained functional hollow carbon spheres were characterized by TEM, XRD, and TG. As an example, Ag-doped hollow carbon spheres were used as colloid catalysts which showed high catalytic activity in 4-nitrophenol reduction reaction.

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