发表学术论文69篇,授权发明专利19项(美国4项、中国15项)。其中,自入职八年来,发表15篇影响因子大于10(Appl Catal B-Environ, ACS Catal, Chem Engr J, 19.5, 13.1, 13.3; Chem 22.8)、4篇封面论文,以及获1项美国发明专利。荷兰Elsevier出版社旗下Catalysis Today杂志客座编辑,加拿大的国际工程领域学术媒体AIE学术顾问。国际会议邀请报告2次。连续三年担任世界氢能会议(该领域顶级)分会主席,该会议在韩国、澳大利亚、西班牙由国际氢能协会主办。留美七年有余,在佐治亚理工学院、劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室进行博士后研究工作,休斯顿大学任职助教授,后担任劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室客座教授(研究员)。2015年获辽宁省第二批“十百千高端人才引进工程”“百人”层次。
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental [IF 19.5] 2016, 188, 48; 2015, 179, 69; 2014, 160-161, 542; 2014,154-155, 73 |
ACS Catalysis [IF 13.1] 2017, 7, 6514; 2017, 7, 912; 2014, 4, 3481 |
Chemical Engineering Journal [IF 13.3] 2019, 369, 245; 2018, 353, 297; 2016, 306, 1001; 2016, 288, 671; 2015, 279, 897; 2015, 264, 445; 2013, 234, 240 |
Chem [IF 22.8] 2020, 6, 3312 |
欧洲化学出版协会ChemPubSoc Europe(德国) 的 ChemistryViews (化学观点) - 967 views as of December 1, 2019. 1) Template-free synthesis of mesoporous semiconductors (post on 2/14/2019)
Advances In Engineering - 1) Kinetics study on carbon dioxide reforming of methane in kilohertz spark-discharge plasma 2) Renewable and high-concentration syngas production from oxidative reforming of simulated biogas with low energy cost in a plasma shade
1)Plasmochemical Approach to Template‐Free Synthesis of Highly Crystalline Mesoporous TiO2 within Milliseconds; 2)Selective reduction of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide over Au/CeO2 catalyst and identification of reaction intermediate; 3)Facile and Fast Deposition of Amorphous TiO2 Film under Atmospheric Pressure and at Room Temperature, and its High Photocatalytic Activity under UV‐C Light; ...
Courtesy group links | Laboratory of Plasma Physical Chemistry, Center for Hydrogen Energy and Environmental Catalysis >>> http://labplpc.dlut.edu.cn