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    • 副教授     博士生导师   硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:大连理工大学
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:物理学院
    • 学科:等离子体物理
    • 办公地点:三束实验室3号楼203
    • 电子邮箱:yanhuijie@dlut.edu.cn





    当前位置: 中文主页 >> 个人简介







    3.国家自然科学基金重点项目,国家自然科学基金委,大气压放电等离子体MHD流动控制中相关科学与技术问题研究,2014年8月,2015-2019年,360万元,经费负责人 ;




    1. Huijie Yan, Nicolas Benard, Eric Moreau. On the different regimes of positive DC corona discharges as a function of electrical and geometrical parameters, Journal of applied physics,2023,133,013301,影响因子2.877. JCR-Q2分区, A类论文

    2. Xiao Wang, Huijie Yan*, Yuying Wang, Siqi Yu, Ting Li, Jian Song. Distribution and evolution of surface charges in nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge under the quiescent air and airflow. 2023, 56, 105201, SCI收录, 影响因子3.207,JCR-Q2分区, A类论文

    3. Jiaqi Li, Huijie Yan*, Ting Li, Siqi Yu, Jingwen Fan, Jian Song. Surface charge characteristics in surface dielectric barrier discharge actuators with thin cylindrical exposed electrode. Journal of applied physics,2023,133,063301,影响因子2.877. JCR-Q2分区, A类论文

    4. Ting Li, Hui-Jie Yan* , Jia-Qi Li, Schulze J, Si-Qi Yu, Jian Song, Quan-Zhi Zhang*. The role of surface charge and its decay in surface dielectric barrier discharges,Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2022, 31, 055016, SCI收录,影响因子4.124. JCR-Q1分区,TOP类论文

    5. Si-Qi Yu, Hui-Jie Yan* , Jia-Qi Li, Yu-Ying Wang and Jian Song, Distribution and evolution of surface charge in surface dielectric barrier discharge driven by AC and pulse dual power supply, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55, 125201, SCI收录, 影响因子3.207,JCR-Q2分区, A类论文

    6. Ting Li, Hui-Jie Yan* , Si-Qi Yu, Yu-Ying Wang, Jia-Qi Li, Jian Song, Quan-Zhi Zhang*,Measurements of surface charge dynamics and surface-breakdown characteristics of surface dielectric barrier discharges,Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 132(15), 153301,影响因子2.877. JCR-Q2分区, A类论文

    7. Ting Li, Hui-Jie Yan* , Si-qi Yu, Jia-qi Li, Jian Sone and Quan-zhi Zhang, Experimental investigation on cathode layer of surface dielectric barrier discharge plasma by surface potential measurement, AIP advanced, 2021, 11, 105303, SCI 收录, 影响因子1.548,JCR-Q3分区

    8. Ting Li, Hui-Jie Yan* , Yu-Ying Wang, Jia-Qi Li, Jian Song, Quan-Zhi Zhang*. Generation and decay of surface charge in a background charge environment during surface dielectric barrier discharges ,Journal of Electrostatics, 2022, 120, 103771, SCI收录,影响因子1.942, JCR-Q3分区

    9. Yu-Ying Wang , Hui-Jie Yan*, Hong-Fei Guo, Yong-Feng Xu, Quan-Zhi Zhang and Jian Song, Evolution of the uniformity in the repetitive unipolar nanosecond-pulse dielectric barrier discharge, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2021, 30, 075009, SCI收录,影响因子4.412,JCR-Q1分区,TOP类论文

    10. Yuying Wang , Huijie Yan*, Hongfei Guo, Yongfeng Xu, Zhihui Fan and Chunsheng Ren, Effect of airflow on the space-time distribution of filaments in dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure, Physics of Plasmas, 2020, 27, 033502, SCI收录, 影响因子2.357, JCR-Q3分区, A类论文