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学科:工程力学. 计算力学. 固体力学. 航空航天力学与工程. 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造
- [141]汤明刚, 王野, 阎军, 岳前进, Yan, J.(yanjun@dlut.edu.cn).海洋柔性管道骨架层压溃的有限元分析[J],哈尔滨工程大学学报,2013,34(9):1135-1140
- [142]Deng, Jiadong, Yan, Jun, Cheng, Gengdong, J (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Multi-objective concurrent topology optimization of thermoelastic structures composed of homoge...[J],6th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems,2013,47(4):583-597
- [143]阎军, 胡文波, 段尊义, Yan, J., Department of Engineering Mechanics, State Key Laboratory for Structural Analysis of Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024, China, email: yanjun@dlut.edu.cn.基于拓展多尺度有限元的点阵材料结构最小柔顺性设计[J],固体力学学报,2013,34(1):47-54
- [144]Yue, Qianjin, Lu, Qingzhen, Yan, Jun, Zheng, Jiexin, Palmer, Andrew, QZ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Engn Mech, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian, Peoples R China..Tension behavior prediction of flexible pipelines in shallow water[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,2013,58:201-207
- [145]阎军, 岳前进.浅水柔性管道抗拉性能的有限元分析[J],东北大学学报自然科学版,2013,34(s2):229-235
- [146]阎军.Advances in Multiscale Concurrent Topology Optimization of Lattice Materials[A],2013
- [147]阎军, 赵国忠.基于改进离散材料插值格式的复合材料/结构一体优化设计[A],2013
- [148]段尊义, 阎军, 牛斌, 辛星, 赵国忠, Yan, J., State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China, email: yanjun@dlut.edu.cn.基于改进离散材料插值格式的复合材料结构优化设计[J],航空学报,2012,33(12):2221-2229
- [149]Liu, Xiaofeng, Jiang, Lei, Cheng, Gengdong, Yan, Jun, XF (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dept Engn Mech, Dalian, Peoples R China..Singular optimum topology of skeletal structures with frequency constraints by AGGA[J],STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION,2012,45(3):451-466
- [150]阎军, 赵国忠.Integrated Optimization of Materials and Structure of Composites base on Improved Discreted Mater...[A],2012
- [151]阎军.Structure/Material concurrent optimization of periodic lattice materials based Extended Multiscal...[A],2012
- [152]阎军, 程耿东, 郭旭.Singular phenomenon of integrated size and topology optimization of frame structures with exact f...[A],2012
- [153]阎军.Collapse estimation of interlocked armour of flexible pipe with strain energy equivalence[A],2012
- [154]杨春秋, 李刚, 阎军.弹性力学系列课教学团队建设探索[J],河海大学学报(社科版),2012,14(14):77-79
- [155]肖能, 阎军, 卢青针, 杨志勋, 岳前进.钢管脐带缆拉伸行为的有限元分析[J],油气储运,2011,31(3):199-202
- [156]杨春秋, 李刚, 阎军.钱令希力学创新实验班培养模式建构[A],2011,1-3
- [157]阎军, 倪长辉, 王少华.精确频率约束下杆系结构拓扑优化中的奇异最优现象[A],2011,1-5
- [158]席勇辉, 阎军, 曲衍, 郭宏, 李博.海洋柔性管缆防弯器力学性能[A],2011,1-9
- [159]阎琨, 阎军, 王少华.冲击荷载下轻质复合结构能量吸收的优化设计[A],2011,1-7
- [160]郭宏, 屈衍, 卢青针, 阎军, 岳前进.深水水下生产系统脐带缆结构设计[A],2011,155-160