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个人信息Personal Information
学科:应用化学. 精细化工. 有机化学
联系方式:15040537236 zhangtiexin@dlut.edu.cn
个人简介Personal Profile
Tel. & Wechat: 150*4053*7236
Email: zhangtiexin@dlut.edu.cn
1999年—2002年 吉林省四平市第一高级中学
2002年—2006年 浙江大学化学系,攻读学士学位
2006年—2011年 浙江大学化学系有机化学专业,保送直接攻读博士学位,导师:黄宪院士,课题方向:高活性有机中间体苯炔的串联及多组分反应研究
2011年—2012年 瑞士日内瓦大学University of Geneva,有机化学系,博士后,合作导师:瑞士化学会主席E. Peter Kündig,课题方向:芳基铬配合物的立体选择性反应研究
2012年—2014年 日本京都大学Kyoto University,化学专攻,博士后,合作导师:丸冈启二(Keiji Maruoka),课题方向:新型高价碘试剂的设计及其在惰性碳氢键活化和选择性自由基反应中的应用
1) 限域电子转移型金属有机框架材料的设计及其在光、电催化中的应用
2) 金属有机框架限域催化的“择型”选择性研究
3) 金属有机框架拟酶催化研究
4) 非均相催化体系在碳氢键活化、氟化学、自由基化学领域的反应方法学研究
5) 面向CO2, N2, H2O, CH4等能源小分子光、电清洁催化转化的配位多孔材料
《光敏型金属有机框架单加氧酶模拟物的可控构筑及光催化氧化研究》 2020年1月—2023年12月;项目负责人
《负载型多金属氧酸盐催化惰性碳氢键的选择性转化研究》 2015年1月—2017年12月; 项目负责人
国家自然科学基金 NSFC-辽宁联合基金 重点项目
《多手性中心精细化工中间体的精准制备及新型催化技术》2017年1月—2020年12月; 项目参与人
本人面向精细化工光催化清洁合成新技术的重大需求,针对非均相催化“限域”空间中光致电子转移和光生自由基物种的有效调控等关键科学问题,设计合成一系列光敏型金属有机框架(metal-organic framework; MOF)催化剂,以此为基础开发超分子“限域”型非均相光催化体系,发掘其迥异于均相光催化过程的本征优势,实现了特异的区域、立体选择性的碳杂原子偶联、三氟甲基/多氟烷基化等具有精细化工、医药应用前景的反应;在此基础上,受天然酶启发,开发基于金属有机框架的“限域”电子—质子转移耦合型非均相光、电催化体系,应用于水分解制氢/氧等清洁能源特色领域的催化转化。
本人在在Nature Communications等国际权威期刊上发表论文20余篇,授权专利4项,在Wiley出版社发表专著1章,本人论文被引用近400次;其中,MOF配位多孔框架分子二极管型光-铜协同催化的代表性工作被Nature Communications杂志评选为Catalysis领域的Editor's Highlight Paper,其他代表性研究工作被Catalysis Science & Technology, ACS Applied Energy Materials, CrystEngComm等著名专业期刊评选为杂志封面、封底论文,入选英国皇家化学会RSC晶体工程、超分子弱作用领域的专业论文集,并被综述和二次文献多次转载、好评;继而受邀在无机、配位化学顶级期刊Coordination Chemistry Reviews(IF: 13.476, JCR一区1/45)发表长篇述评,获得了广泛关注,被科睿唯安评选为“高被引论文”;在Science《科学》杂志2019年“大连理工大学建校七十周年特刊”上参与撰写perspective述评文章,阐述了金属有机超分子体系中“限域”电子转移行为及其在光催化中的特色应用。
1. Tiexin Zhang, Xiangyang Guo, Yusheng Shi, Cheng He, Chunying Duan*, Dye-incorporated coordination polymers for direct photocatalytic trifluoromethylation of aromatics at metabolically susceptible positions. Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 4024. (IF: 12.353, JCR综合一区3/64)
2. Tiexin Zhang, Yunhe Jin, Yusheng Shi, Mochen Li, Jianing Li, Chunying Duan*, Modulating photoelectronic performance of metal-organic frameworks for premium photocatalysis. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2019, 380, 201–229. (高被引论文;IF: 14.499, JCR无机化学一区1/45)
3. Yusheng Shi‡; Tiexin Zhang (与本人学生共同第一作者)‡; Xiao-Ming Jiang; Gang Xu; Cheng He; Chunying Duan*; Synergistic photoredox and copper catalysis by diode-like coordination polymer with twisted and polar copper–dye conjugation, Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 5384.(IF: 12.353, JCR综合一区3/64) (被评选为Catalysis领域的Editor's Highlight Paper)
4. Zheng Ming,‡ Tiexin Zhang (第一通讯作者,共同第一作者) ‡,* Wenming Tian, Jianing Li, Zhenhui Liu, Renhai Liu, Zhongmin Liu,* Chunying Duan;* Dye–polyoxometalate coordination polymer as a photo-driven electron pump for photocatalytic radical coupling reactions, Chemical Communications, 2021, 57, 12812-12815.
5. Xu Jing, Tiexin Zhang, Liang Zhao, Cheng He, Chunying Duan*, Confined Electron Transfer In Werner-Type Hosts. Science, 2019, Special Issue of Dalian University of Technology, 10.(IF: 41.037, JCR综合一区 1/90)
6. Junling Chen; Heng Zhang; Bo Li; Jingzhi Yang; Xiongwen Li; Tiexin Zhang*; Cheng He; Chunying Duan; Liya Wang*; Bioinspired Carboxylate−Water Coordination Polymers with Hydrogen-Bond Clusters and Local Coordination Flexibility for Electrochemical Water Splitting, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3: 10515-10524. (JCR一区;杂志增补封面论文 Supplementary Journal Cover)
7. Junling Chen; Bo Li; Zhenzhen Shi; Cheng He; Chunying Duan; Tiexin Zhang*; Li-Ya Wang*; Crystal engineering of coordination-polymer based iodine adsorbents using a π-electron-rich polycarboxylate aryl ether ligand, CrystEngComm, 2020, 22: 6612-6619. (JCR二区; 杂志内封底论文 Back Inside Cover; 入选RSC《Halogen Bonding in Crystal Engineering》论文集)
8. Tiexin Zhang*; Hanbin Zang; Fangyuan Gai; Zhi Feng; Mochen Li; Chunying Duan*; Photoswitchable Cu(II)/Cu(I) catalyses assisted by enzyme-like non-covalent interactions in Cu(II)– melamine coordination polymers for installing CO2/CS2 and CF3 groups in heterocycles, New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44: 15131-15139. (IF: 3.181, JCR二区)
9. Bo Qi, Tiexin Zhang,* Mochen Li, Cheng He, Chunying Duan*, Highly shape- and regio-selective peroxy-trifluoromethylation of styrene by metal–organic framework Cu3(BTC)2. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7, 5872–5881. (IF: 5.365, 杂志内封底文章, JCR一区)
10. Tiexin Zhang,* Yusheng Shi, Sen Zhang, Chen Jia, Cheng He, Chunying Duan*, Thiophene insertion for continuous modulation of the photoelectronic properties of triphenylamine-based metal–organic frameworks for photocatalytic sulfonylation-cyclisation of activated alkenes. New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 18448–18457. (IF: 3.181, JCR二区)
11. Tiexin Zhang,* Pengfang Wang, Zirui Gao, Yang An, Cheng He, Chunying Duan*, Pyrene-based metal–organic framework NU-1000 photocatalysed atom-transfer radical addition for iodoperfluoroalkylation and (Z)-selective perfluoroalkylation of olefins by visible-light irradiation, RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 32610–32620. (IF: 2.936, JCR二区)
12, Nan Zheng,Wangze Song,* Tiexin Zhang, Ming Li, Yubin Zheng, Lingyue Chen, Rhodium-catalyzed highly regioselective and stereoselective intermolecular hydrosilylation of internalynamides under mild conditions, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 83, 6210–6216. (IF: 4.805, JCR一区)
13, Xiangyang Guo, Le Zeng, Zhe Wang, Tiexin Zhang, Cheng He, Chunying Duan,* Photocatalytic copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition click reaction with Cu(II) coordination polymer, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 52907–52913. (IF: 2.936, JCR二区)
14, Cuiping Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang,* Kui Liu, Jingbo Yan, Tiexin Zhang, Gonghao Lu, Qingtao Meng, Haijun Chi, Chunying Duan,* Copper-catalyzed synthesis of indolyl diketones via C-H oxidation/diacylation of indoles with arylglyoxal hydrates, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2017, 15, 6185–6193. (IF: 3.423, JCR二区)
15, Tiexin Zhang, Xian Huang*, Luling Wu. A Facile Synthesis of 2H-Chromenes and 9-Functionalized Phenanthrenes through Reactions between alpha,beta-Unsaturated Compounds and Arynes. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012, 3507-3519. (IF: 2.81, JCR二区)
16, Xian Huang*, Tiexin Zhang. Cascade Nucleophilic Addition-Cyclic Michael Addition of Arynes and Phenols/Anilines Bearing Ortho alpha,beta-Unsaturated Groups: Facile Synthesis of 9-Functionalized Xanthenes/Acridines. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2010, 75(2), 506-509. (IF: 4.805, JCR一区)
17, Shin. A., Moteki; Asuka, Usui; Tiexin, Zhang; C. R., Solorio Alvarado; Keiji, Maruoka*.
Site-Selective Oxidation of Unactivated C-sp3-H Bonds with Hypervalent Iodine(III) Reagents.
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2013, 52, 8657-8660. (Hot Paper热点论文; IF: 11.68, JCR一区)
18, Shin A. Moteki, Asuka Usui, Sermadurai Selvakumar, Tiexin Zhang, and Keiji Maruoka*
Metal-Free C_H Bond Activation of Branched Aldehydes with a Hypervalent Iodine(III) Catalyst under Visible-Light Photolysis: Successful Trapping with Electron-Deficient Olefins.
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2014, 53(41), 11060-11064. (IF: 11.68, JCR一区)
19, Tiexin Zhang, Xian Huang*, Jian Xue, Sha Sun. Ring expansion reaction of alpha-sulfonyl cyclic ketones via insertion of arynes into C-C: a facile and mild access to medium- and large-sized benzannulated carbocycles. Tetrahedron Lett., 2009, 50(12), 1290-1294. (IF: 2.15, JCR二区)
20, Xian Huang*, Tiexin Zhang. Multicomponent reactions of pyridines, alpha-bromo carbonyl compounds and silylaryl triflates as aryne precursors: a facile one-pot synthesis of pyrido[2,1-a]isoindoles. Tetrahedron Letter, 2009, 50(2), 208-211. (IF: 2.15, JCR二区)
21, Shin A. Moteki, Sermadurai Selvakumar, Tiexin Zhang, Asuka Usui, and Keiji Maruoka*
A Practical Approach for the Oxidation of Unactivated Csp3 H Bonds with o-Nitro(diacetoxyiodo)benzene as an Efficient Hypervalent Iodine(III)-Based Oxidizing Agent.
Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, 3(9), 932-935. (IF: 2.53, JCR二区)
22, Xian Huang*, Ruwei Shen, Tiexin Zhang. Reaction of allenyl esters with sodium azide: An Efficient Synthesis of E-vinyl Azides and Polysubstituted Pyrroles. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007, 72(4), 1534-1537. (IF: 4.805, JCR一区)
Yi-Xia Jia*, Tiexin Zhang.
Chapter 3.7, “Other reactions: Asymmetric Friedel-Crafts reaction and Pictet-Spengler reaction”, in “Stereoselective Organocatalysis: From C-C to C-heteroatom bond formation”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 2013.
1. 具有可见光催化芳杂环化合物三氟甲基化性能的三苯胺基金属有机配聚物的制备方法及应用. 段春迎;张铁欣;郭向阳;史雨生;何成(ZL201810823841.0)2021.07.06
2. 具有可见光催化氧化C-H键性能的拟酶后修饰铁卟啉基金属有机框架的制备方法及应用. 张铁欣;张森;何成;段春迎(ZL202010497604.7)2021.07.06
3. 一种具有扭转结构的金属有机框架催化剂的制备方法及其应用. 段春迎; 张铁欣;史雨生;姜小明;徐刚;何成(ZL202011144720.7)2021.12.31
4. 一种具有配体分子內异面结构的金属有机框架催化剂的制备方法及其应用. 张铁欣;冯智;段春迎;李莫尘;刘壬海(ZL202011404261.1)2021.12.31
1. Tiexin Zhang, Confined Electron Transfer Typed Photo- and Electrocatalysis within Metal-Organic Frameworks, International Congress on Energy Chemistry and Engineering (ICECE-2021) 2021 国际能源化学与工程大会, Chengdu, Jun. 18th–Jun. 21st, 2021. (特邀报告Invited Presentation)
2. 张铁欣, 分子器件和酶启发的金属有机框架限域光、电催化体系, 第四届全国光催化材料创新与应用学术研讨会, 苏州, 2021年6月25日至27日. (特邀报告Invited Presentation)
3. Tiexin Zhang, Confined Electron Transfer in Metal-Organic Architechtures for Premium Photocatalysis, International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials in UCLA (AAAFM-UCLA) 加州大学洛杉矶分校先进材料进展国际会议, Los Angles, USA, Aug. 18th–Aug. 20th, 2019. (特邀报告Invited Presentation)
4. Tiexin Zhang, Synergy of Photocatalysis and Transition Metal Catalysis within Metal-Organic Frameworks, 7th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry in, (ACCC7) 第七届亚洲配位化学会议, Oct. 15th–Oct. 18th, 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (特邀报告Invited Presentation)
5. 张铁欣,Dye-based Metal-Organic Thin Layers and the Application in Photocatalytic Trifluoromethylation of Aromatics for Protecting the Metabolistic Susceptible Sites, 中国化学会第八届全国配位化学会议,大连,2017年7月19日至23日. (口头报告Oral Presentation)
6. Tiexin Zhang, Merging Organic Dyes and Versatile Auxiliaries in Metal-organic Frameworks for Shape-controlled Photocatalysis, 42nd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (第四十二届国际配位化学大会), Brest, France, Jul. 3rd–8th, 2016. (口头报告Oral Presentation)
7. Tiexin Zhang, Tackling Unusual Selectivity of Photocatalytic Trifluoromethylation for Protection of Metabolic Sites of Drugs by Enzyme-Mimicking Dye-based Metal-Organic Frameworks, 43nd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (第四十三届国际配位化学大会), Sendai, Japan, Jul. 30th–Aug. 4th, 2018. (口头报告Oral Presentation)
本科生课程:《Sustainable Chemistry & Technology》(中英双语教学)
诚挚欢迎在光催化、电催化、能源催化、电化学、无机/配位化学、超分子化学、有机合成与催化、精细化工/应用化学 等领域具有专业基础和研究兴趣的 博士、硕士 和 青年博士后 加入团队,待遇从优,我们尊重人、培养人,成就人,以交叉学科前沿为导向,以高影响力科研成果为目标,愿与广大青年学子及学界同仁,精诚合作,矢志奋斗!