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- [141]王续跃, 许卫星, 徐文骥, 吴东江, 康仁科, 郭东明, Wang, X.-Y.(wbzzd@dlut.edu.cn).硅片激光弯曲成形的数值模拟与实验[J],光学精密工程,2008,16(4):605-610
- [142]王续跃, 徐云飞, 徐文骥, 王连吉, 康仁科, 郭东明.辅助侧向吹气法金刚石砂轮激光修锐试验与评价[J],中国机械工程,2008,19(6):725-729
- [143]吴东江, 许媛, 尹波, 王续跃, Wu, D.(djwudut@dlut.edu.cn).激光功率密度对Ge烧蚀蒸气动力学特性的影响[J],中国激光,2008,35(3):462-465
- [144]徐文骥, 王续跃.Nuerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Plasma-Arc Flexible Forming of Laminated-Composite Sh...[A],2008
- [145]徐文骥, 王续跃.Numerical Simulation of Deformation Field in Plasma-Arc Forming of Sheet Metal[A],2008
- [146]徐文骥, 王续跃.Crown modification of cylinder-roller bearing raceway using electrochemical abrasive belt grindin...[J],Key engineering materials,2008,359(2):335-339
- [147]徐文骥, 王续跃.Model of heat and mass transfer in atmospheric pressure plasma arc (APPA) cleaning metal surface[J],Key Engineering Materials,2008,373(1):408-411
- [148]王续跃, 徐文骥, 王连吉, 郭东明.A study of laser milling based on deteriorative layer on Al2O3 ceramic[A],2008
- [149]王续跃, 徐文骥, 王连吉, 吴东江, 梁延德.Simulation and Experiments in Laser Bending of Silicon Sheet[A],2008
- [150]Xu, Wenji, Zhao, Xiaohui, Wang, Xuyue, Pang, Guibing, Tao, Bin.Crown modification of cylinder-roller bearing raceway using electrochemical abrasive belt grind...[A],2008,359-360:335-+
- [151]Wang, X.Y., Lei, M.K., Wu, D.J., Xu, W.J., J., X.Y.(wbzzd@dlut.edu.cn).A study of laser surface modification for GCr15 steel[J],International Journal of Materials and Product Technology,2008,31(1):88-96
- [152]Xu, W.J., Wang, X.Y., Fang, J.C., Meng, J.B..Model of heat and mass transfer in atmospheric pressure plasma arc (APPA) cleaning metal surface[A],2008,373-374:408-411
- [153]Xu, W. J., Meng, J. B., Fang, J. C., Wang, X. Y..Model of heat and mass transfer in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Arc (APPA) cleaning metal surfac...[A],2008,373-374:408-+
- [154]吴东江, 马广义, 曹先锁, 王续跃, 赵福令, 郭东明, Wu, D.-J.(djwudut@dlut.edu.cn).脉冲激光弯曲成形技术中硅片表面的形貌分析[J],中国激光,2007,34(11):1589-1593
- [155]王续跃, 汲丛平, 康仁科, 王连吉, 牛伟光, Wang, X.-Y..青铜结合剂金刚石砂轮激光修锐试验研究[J],大连理工大学学报,2007,47(6):823-828
- [156]Tao, B., Wang, X. Y., Zhen, H. Z., Xu, W. J..Prediction of surface quality and parameter in bearing convex raceway finishing[A],2007,24-25:361-370
- [157]吴东江, 马广义, 许卫星, 许媛, 王续跃, 赵福令, 周秋菊, Wu, D.-J.(djwudut@dlut.edu.cn).长脉宽脉冲激光硅片弯曲成形试验[J],光学精密工程,2007,15(9):1361-1365
- [158]王续跃, 许卫星, 司马媛, 吴东江, 康仁科, 郭东明, Wang, X.-Y.(wbzzd@dlut.edu.cn).利用图像处理技术评价硅片表面清洗率[J],光学精密工程,2007,15(8):1263-1268
- [159]王续跃, 王劲松, 程丽芳, 吴东江, 徐文骥, Wang, X.-Y.(wbzzd@dlut.edu.cn).铝合金板快速加热弯曲的参数预测[J],光学精密工程,2007,15(6):915-921
- [160]Wu, D.J., Zhuang, J., Wang, X.Y., Kang, R.K., Zhao, F.L., D.J.(djwudut@dlut.edu.cn).Nano-structures fabrication by laser combined with near-field scanning optical microscopy[J],Key Engineering Materials,2007,329:415-420