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- [1]Kong, Fanyi, Jiao, Ruonan, 刘琨, 韩雪, 孙长森.Continuous infrared laser irradiation decreased membrane capacitance of neuron cell[A],2021,11190
- [2]郭静静, 耿铁锁, 颜怀志, 杜利泽, 张哲, 孙长森.Implementation of A Load Sensitizing Bridge Spherical Bearing Based on Low-Coherent Fiber-Optic S...[J],sensors,2021,21(37):1-12
- [3]Guo, Jingjing, Han, Yang, Feng, Xin, 孙长森.A Vibration Monitoring System Based on A Sagnac Interferometer with a Novel Algorithm[A],2021,11554
- [4]Han, Xue, Sun, Changsen, X (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Optoelect Engn & Instrumentat Sci, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Plasmonic Tweezers towards Biomolecular and Biomedical Applications[J],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2019,9(17)
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- [8]Wang, Fang, Zhang, Yang, Liu, Zigeng, Qian, Siyu, Gu, Yiying, Jing, Zhenguo, Sun, Changsen, Peng, Wei.Detection of Glycoprotein using fiber optic surface plasmon resonance sensors with Boronic acid[A],2017,10323
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- [10]Zhang, Pinglei, Wei, Heming, Guo, Jingjing, Sun, Changsen, CS (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Coll Phys & Optoelect Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Tilt performance of the ground settlement sensor configured in a fiber-optic low-coherent inter...[J],APPLIED OPTICS,2016,55(28):7917-7921
- [11]孙长森.Contrast enhancement for the infrared vein image of leg based on the optical angular spectrum the...[J],Signal vedio image processing,2016,12(3):1-7
- [12]刘海龙, 孙长森.Preliminary studies on the effects of laser irradiations on nerve injuries caused by high frequec...[A],2016
- [13]Sun, Lifei, Li, Sen, Changsen, Liu, Hailong.An Axonal Model for Analysis of Ionic Concentration Alterations Induced by High Frequency Elect...[A],2016,1680-1684
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- [15]赵雪峰, 孙长森, 欧进萍.光纤锈蚀监测技术及其在大连星海湾跨海大桥中的应用[A],2014,616-621
- [16]Zhang, Pinglei, Wei, Heming, Zhao, Xuefeng, Sun, Changsen, CS (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Coll Phys & Optoelect Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Fiber-optic ground settlement sensor based on low-coherent interferometry[J],APPLIED OPTICS,2014,53(15):3278-3282
- [17]孙长森.980-nm infrared laser modulation of sodium channel kinetics in a neuron cell linearly ediated by ...[J],Journal of Biomedical Optics,2014,19(10):1050021-1050029
- [18]冯新, 孙长森.A Stationary Wavelet Transform Based Method for Distributed Detection of Damage by Fiber Optic Se...[J],Journal of Engineering Mechanics,2014,140(4):1-11
- [19]Wei, Heming, Zhao, Xuefeng, Kong, Xianglong, Zhang, Pinglei, Cui, Yanjun, Sun, Changsen, XF (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Civil Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..The Performance Analysis of Distributed Brillouin Corrosion Sensors for Steel Reinforced Concre...[J],SENSORS,2014,14(1):431-442
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