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副教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师

性别: 男

毕业院校: 大连理工大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 化工学院

学科: 高分子材料. 高分子化学与物理. 功能材料化学与化工

办公地点: 西部校区化工实验楼A303

联系方式: 办公室电话:84986101,13610963135

电子邮箱: zhangchq@dlut.edu.cn



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当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果


发表时间: 2009-01-01

发表刊物: 合成橡胶工业

卷号: 32

期号: 6

页面范围: 480-484

ISSN号: 1000-1255

摘要: The linear liquid polybutadiene with narrow molecular weight distribution(MWD)and low vinyl content (NDLPB)were synthesized by anionic polymerization. The epoxidized liquid polybutadiene(ENDLPB) with different epoxidation degree were prepared by formic acid-hydrogen peroxide in-situ method and used as coupling agent for comb polybutadiene. The epoxidation degree and microstructure of ENDLPB were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance. The effect factors on epoxidation degree of ENDLPB were investigated. The results showed that with the increase of epoxidation degree, the characteristic peaks of epoxy group gradually increased, the contents of cis-1,4-uint and trans-1,4-unit decreased, and the 1,2-unit content almost had no change. With increasing ~ ̄M_n of NDLPB, epoxidation degree of ENDLPB decreased,~ ̄M_n of ENDLPB slightly increased, and the MWD of ENDLPB was around 1.08. With NDLPB of ~ ̄M_n of 2 450,MWD of 1.07 as the reactants, under the conditions of H_2O_2/NDLPB(mole ratio) 0.5, formic acid/NDLPB(mole ratio) 0.4, reaction at 50 ℃ for 2 h, the epoxidation degree of ENDLPB was about 33%, and experimental repeatability was good. The comb polybutadienes with different coupling degree were synthesized by changing amount of ENDLPB .

备注: 新增回溯数据

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