大连理工大学  登录  English 

副教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师

性别: 男

毕业院校: 大连理工大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 化工学院

学科: 高分子材料. 高分子化学与物理. 功能材料化学与化工

办公地点: 西部校区化工实验楼A303

联系方式: 办公室电话:84986101,13610963135

电子邮箱: zhangchq@dlut.edu.cn



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当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果


发表时间: 2010-01-01

发表刊物: 合成橡胶工业

卷号: 33

期号: 1

页面范围: 11-15

ISSN号: 1000-1255

摘要: The solution polymerization of 1,3-butadiene(Bd) was investigated in styrene (St) with the catalyst system comprised of neodymium phosphonate Nd(P_(507))_3(Nd),Al(i-Bu)_2H(Al) and Et_3Al_2Cl_3(Cl), the effects of solvent, Al/Nd, Cl/Nd and polymerization temperature on the polymerization of Bd were examined. The results indicated that the selective polymerization of Bd was achieved in St by the above catalyst. The polymer yield was up to 90% at 50 ℃, Al/Nd(mole ratio) of 10 and Cl/Nd(mole ratio) of 2.0. The produced polymer had mole fraction of 1,2-unit of 4%, mole fraction of cis-1,4-unit of 90% and mole fraction of St unit of bellow 4%.

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