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Integrated design optimization of structural size and control system of piezoelectric curved shells with respect to sound radiation


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-12-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:1287-1304

ISSN No.:1615-147X

Key Words:Integrated design optimization; Piezoelectric curved shell; Sound radiation; Active control

Abstract:Simultaneously optimizing the thickness of the base structure and the location of piezoelectric sensors/actuators as well as control gains is investigated for minimizing the sound radiation from the vibrating curved shell integrated with sensors/actuators under harmonic excitation. The finite element formulation of the piezoelectric curved shell structure is described. The piezoelectric element is coupled into the base shell element using nodal displacement constraint equations. The active control of structural vibration-acoustic radiation is formulated using the velocity feedback algorithm. Based on both passive and active control measures, an integrated optimization model of the vibro-acoustic problem is proposed, in which the sound power is taken as the objective function. The thickness of the base shell elements and the parameters of control system, including the location of sensors/actuators and control gains, are chosen as the design variables. In order to restrict the complexity of the control system, the number of sensors/actuators is considered as a constraint. A simulated annealing algorithm is extended to handle the vibro-acoustic optimization problem with the continuous and discrete variables co-existing. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the optimization scheme and the correctness of the computation program.

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