Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2017-06-01
Included Journals:SCIE
Page Number:633-641
ISSN No.:1738-1584
Key Words:macro-fiber composite; smart structures; dynamic analysis; piezoelectric; laminated structures
Abstract:The complexity of macro-fiber composite (MFC) materials increasing the difficulty in simulation and analysis of MFC integrated structures. To give an accurate prediction of MFC bonded smart structures for the simulation of shape and vibration control, the paper develops a linear electro-mechanically coupled static and dynamic finite element (FE) models based on the first-order shear deformation (FOSD) hypothesis. Two different types of MFCs are modeled and analyzed, namely MFC-d31 and MFC-d33, in which the former one is dominated by the d(31) effect, while the latter one by the d(33) effect. The present model is first applied to an MFC-d33 bonded composite plate, and then is used to analyze both active shape and vibration control for MFC-d31/-d33 bonded plate with various piezoelectric fiber orientations.