Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2018-05-01
Included Journals:SCIE
Page Number:549-559
ISSN No.:1738-1584
Key Words:railway bridge; structure health monitoring; girder acceleration; dynamic deflection; general extreme value distribution
Abstract:The dynamic behaviors of the bridge structures have great effects on the comfortability and safety of running high-speed trains, which can also reflect the structural degradation. This paper aims to reveal the characteristics of the dynamic behaviors induced by train loadings for a combined highway and railway bridge. Monitoring-based analysis of the acceleration and dynamic displacement of the bridge girder is carried out The effects of train loadings on the vertical acceleration of the bridge girder are analyzed; the spatial variability of the train-induced lateral girder displacement is studied; and statistical analysis has been performed for the daily extreme values of the train induced girder deflections. It is revealed that there are great time and spatial variabilities for the acceleration induced by train loadings for the combined highway and railway cable-stayed bridge. The daily extreme values of the train-induced girder deflections can be well fitted by the general extreme value distribution