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Date of Publication:2022-10-09


Affiliation of Author(s):机械工程学院



Page Number:26-31

ISSN No.:1671-833X

Abstract:Based on UV-LIGA technology, a novel passive RF coaxial transmitter was fabricated on a metal substrate by combining positive and negative photoresist. Aiming at low dimensional accuracy of thick positive photoresist AZ50XT caused by the uneven distribution of exposure dose within the resist, the method of multiple exposure and development was proposed to make high-precision electroforming mask. The effect of this method on dimensional accuracy was studied by lithography experiment of different size graphics. The experiment results show that the method of multiple exposure and development can significantly improve the dimensional accuracy of AZ50XT resist and the accuracy of the lithography pattern is no related to the mask size. Finally, based on the experiment results, a kind of passive coaxial transmitter was fabricated. The overall dimension is 3000μm×400μm×200μm, the maximum height of single layer is 60μm and the sidewall inclination of each layer is more than 85°.


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