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- [21]wangjia, 王宏伟, 顾宏.Orthogonal Optimized-choice Algorithm for Non-linear Systems Identification Based on Fuzzy Mode...[A],8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA),2022,5676-5681
- [22]王宏伟, 顾宏.Prediction of Chaotic Time Series Based on Neural Network with Legendre Polynomials[A],ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2009, PT 1, PROCEEDINGS,2022,5551:836-843
- [23]王宏伟, 刘涛.Recursive state-space identification of non-uniformly sampled systems using singular value decomp...[J],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2022,22(9):1268-1273
- [24]wangjia, 顾宏, 王宏伟.Recursive Subspace Identification Approach of a Closed-loop Model[A],American Control Conference (ACC),2022,1675-1678
- [25]Xu, Lingli, Wu, Feiyue, 王宏伟, 连捷, 曹杨.Sampled-data control of switched affine neural networks[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 36TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE (CCC 2017),2022,4093-4098
- [26]Li, Can, 连捷, 王宏伟.Sampled-data control of switched nonlinear systems via T-S fuzzy models[A],30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2018,2022,3944-3949
- [27]王宏伟, 王健, 顾宏.Robust identification of fuzzy model on H error estimation[A],2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA 2010,2022,5670-5675
- [28]王宏伟, wangjia, 顾宏.Robust Identification of Fuzzy Model on H(infinity) Error Estimation[A],8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA),2022,5670-5675
- [29]顾宏, 王哲龙, 王宏伟.Shape reconfigurable mechanism of an earthquake rescue robot[A],IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics Automation,2022,1145-1150
- [30]王宏伟, 顾宏, 王哲龙.Self-tuning controllers based on adaptive fuzzy clustering[A],6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2022,1:3744-+
- [31]王宏伟, 夏浩.Self-Tuning Control Scheme of Non-Uniformly Sampled Data Systems with Time Delay and Unknown Co...[A],28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2022,4025-4030
- [32]王宏伟.State-space identification of non-uniformly sampling data system using singular decomposition.[A],The 24th Chinese Process Control Conference,2022
- [33]王宏伟, 连捷.Stability Analysis of Positive Switched T-S Fuzzy Systems Based on Fuzzy Clustering Sets[A],2017 29TH CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC),2022,2037-2042
- [34]Li, Can, 连捷, 王宏伟.Switching adaptive compensation for actuator failures of uncertain nonlinear systems with quant...[A],2018 37TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE (CCC),2022,2018-July:614-619
- [35]王宏伟, 顾宏.Synchronization of chaotic systems based on a kind of fuzzy control[A],1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2006),2022,90-+
- [36]王宏伟, 顾宏, 王哲龙.Synchronization of chaotic systems based on fuzzy control[A],IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics Automation,2022,815-818
- [37]王宏伟, 顾宏.Synchronization of chaotic systems via the laguerre - Polynomials-based neural network[A],4th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2007,2022,4492 LNCS(PART 2):1-7
- [38]王宏伟, 顾宏.Synchronization of chaotic system with the perturbation via orthogonal function neural network[A],Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2022,3971 LNCS:322-327
- [39]Chai Xiujun, 王宏伟, 王林, Xiao Zhengqing.Identification of switched nonlinear systems based on EM algorithm[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 39TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE,2022,1337-1342
- [40]张倩, 王宏伟, Liu, Chunlei.Identification of fractional-order Hammerstein nonlinear ARMAX system with colored noise[J],NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2022