
- 任职 : 辽宁省先进复合材料高性能制造重点实验室主任
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:机械工程学院
- 学科:机械电子工程. 机械制造及其自动化
- 办公地点:知方楼7059
- 联系方式:办公电话:0411-84707743,qq:66894581
- 电子邮箱:wfjsll@dlut.edu.cn
王福吉, 于永康, 罗朝阳, 付饶, 司立坤, 王琦, Wang, Ziming.Influence of laser texturing on the properties of fusion joints between aluminum alloys and carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites[J],Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials,2024
王公硕, 关守岩, 王洪全, 雷雅静, 王福吉, 付饶.A new path planning strategy driven by geometric features and tensile properties for 3D printing of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites[J],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2024,288
王公硕, 关守岩, 王洪全, 雷雅静, 王福吉, 付饶.A new path planning strategy driven by geometric features and tensile properties for 3D printing of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites[J],Composites Part B: Engineering,2024,288
Wang, Bo, Jiang, Senran, Cui, Yao, Li, Zhonghua, 王福吉, Liu, Qiang, Yang, Xing.Research on a High-Precision Interventional Pressure Measurement Catheter with a Compact Structure for In Vivo Pressure Monitoring[J],Applied Sciences (Switzerland),2024,14(19)
王博, Jiang, Senran, Cui, Yao, Li, Zhonghua, 王福吉, Liu, Qiang, Yang, Xing.Research on a High-Precision Interventional Pressure Measurement Catheter with a Compact Structure for In Vivo Pressure Monitoring[J],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2024,14(19)
魏钢, 鞠鹏程, 胡晓杭, 付饶, 王福吉, 贾振元.虑及温度影响的 CFRTP 正交切削仿真与实验研究[J],Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica,2024,41(9):4969-4981
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