Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2022-06-29
Page Number:79-82
ISSN No.:1001-3997
Abstract:Currently most studies about dynamic modeling of tower cranes are based on treating them as rigid-bodies. An enhanced mathematical model for investigating the dynamic response of a tower crane is proposed in this research which considers the flexibility of the beam and system's nonlinear motions. The beam is modeled as an Euler-Bernoulli beam and its gravity and structural damping are also included in this model. Then the Lagaragian method is used to formulate the rigid-flexible coupling model which could fully described the typical motions of a tower crane-including its luffing, rotating and hoisting motions. By using the assumed mode method a simplified motion equation is also presented in the form of matrix. Numerical results of solving the equation by using Maple and dynamic simulation results by using ADAMS are showed comparatively later. Results demonstrate that this model could provide a reasonable description of the motions of the tower crane. The comparison also proves that this model could be used to predict the dynamic response of its payload, especially the trajectory and the swing of the payload. This paper would also be useful in studying the dynamic response of mechanisms featured as having flexible beams.