Li zhongfu

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Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  



2011年被引进到大连理工大学,筹建建设管理系并就任系主任 ,工程管理专业负责人。
兼任国家住房和城乡建设部工程管理教育评估委员会委员;住房和城乡建设部住房建设与产业化专业委员会委员;中国建筑业协会管理现代化专业委员会常务理事;中国建筑学会建筑经济分会常务理事。《工程管理学报》、《建筑经济》杂志 编委。



本人创建了先进建造与管理研究所(ACMI),并建立了微信公众号,旨在分享与探讨住宅产业化、建筑工业化、工程建设与房地产领域的前沿理论、方法、思想、观点和动态。 欢迎各界专家学者关注、交流与合作。


10. 大型市政工程企业股权结构、组织体系与资源整合研究, 沈阳市政集团有限公司, 2009.8—2010.3, 主持人
11. 群力新区建设项目管理研究, 哈尔滨群力新区开发建设管理办公室, 2009.8—2010.5, 主持人
12. 大型市政工程企业“十二五”发展规划研究, 上海市第一市政工程公司, 2010.3--2010.12,主持人
13. 住房市场消费、投资投机需求形成机理与影响因素分析(71073036), 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2011.1--2013.12, 主持人
14. 黑龙江省商品住房市场走势及影响要素分析, 黑龙江省房地产协会住宅分会,2010.11 --2011.5, 主持人
15. 上海公路桥梁工程(集团)有限公司“十二五”发展战略纲要,上海公路桥梁工程(集团)有限公司委托, 2011.3--2011.10, 主持人
16. 现代建筑生产管理理论体系研究, 大连理工大学引进人才科研专题, 2011.3—2012.12, 主持人
17. 住宅产业化综合效益分析,中国房地产研究会,2013.7—2015.2, 主持人
18. SI体系保障性住房的产业化机理与实现路径研究(71371041),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2014.1—2017.12,主持人
19. 建筑产业现代化工程项目成本效益和节能减排效益实证分析研究,住房和城乡建设部住宅产业化促进中心,2014.9—2015.12,主持人

20.大连湾跨海交通工程隧-岛-桥集群工程建设运营管理关键技术研究,大连湾跨海交通工程指挥部、中交公路规划设计院, 2016.8--2017.2,主持人

21. SSGF与装配式和传统施工方式的比较研究,碧桂园, 清华大学,2018.2--2019.2,主持人

22. 绿色建筑运营管理BIM技术应用价值测量体系研究, 国家“十三五”重大科技专项  子课题, 2018.8--2021.8,主持人

23. 大型企业(集团)推进装配式建筑的模式与路径研究,住房和城乡建设部课题,2018.10—2019.10,主持人

24. 装配式建筑装配适宜度及多方利益协同下技术方案智能决策研究(72071027),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021.1--2024.12,主持人

25. 现场工业化建造的理论构建及与装配式建造的协同路径研究(72371050),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024.1--2027.12,主持人

*出版著作和教材 (按时间先后次序)

8.教材:工程经济学(第2版),科学出版社,2016.2. 第1主编。“十二五”普通高等教育国家级规划教材。


10. 教材:土木工程施工,中国建筑工业出版社,2018.6,第1主编

11. 教材:建设工程施工管理,机械工业出版社,2018.6,主编.“十三五”国家重点出版物规划。

12. 编著:SI体系百年住宅工业化建造指南,2019.2. 专著。中国建筑工业出版社

13. 教材:建筑工业化概论,2020.5.  编著,机械工业出版社。“十三五”国家重点出版物规划。

14. 教材:建筑施工组织与管理(第4版),机械工业出版社,2021.7,主编。“十二五”普通高等教育国家级规划教材。

15. 编著:先进建造与管理导论,2022.02.专著。 机械工业出版社

16. 教材:工程经济学(第3版),科学出版社,2023.7. 第1主编。“十二五”普通高等教育国家级规划教材。

17. 教材:现代土木工程施工新技术(第2版),中国建筑工业出版社,2024.7,第1主编

1. Analysis on Economic Growth and Total Factor Productivity of Chinese Construction Industry Base d on State Space Model, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, EI:20124915764412, Number21, Nov 2012
2. Application of Concurrent Engineering in Construction Industry , Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Construction & Real Estate Management, volume 1: 37-40, Oct. 2012, Kansas
3. Jointly Managed Inventory Strategy in Construction: Supply Chain Management Perspective., Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Construction & Real Estate Management, volume 2: 540-543, Oct. 2012, Kansas
4. Research on the Consumption and Investment Demand for Housing with Controllable Variables, Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Construction & Real Estate Management, volume 2: 656-659, Oct. 2012, Kansas
5. Barriers and Coping Strategies of Information Technology Implementation in Chinese Construction Enterprises,Information Technology Journal,EI: vol.12
6.An Improved Fuzzy Neural Network Model Evolved by Particle Swarm Optimization for Construction Supply Chain Performance Evaluation,ICIC Express Letters,2014.8
7. Study on factors that inhibit the promotion of SI housing system in China,Energy and Buildings(SCI ),15 December 2014
8. Research on Housing Component Searching Based on BIM and E-Business, 2015 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management. Sweden, 2015.9
9. Representation and Reasoning for Common Quality Faults of Construction Based on Ontology, 2015 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management. Sweden, 2015.9
10. Factors Influencing Mechanism of Construction Development Transformation in China Based on SEM, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society   IF 0.877,SCI: , vol. 2015
11. Ontology-Based Representation and Reasoning in Building Construction Cost Estimation in China, Future Internet;doi:10.3390/fi8030039, 2016,8(3),
12. Construction Technology of SI Residence Based on Concurrent Engineering, 2016 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management. Canada, 2016-9-29

13.Modular and Offsite Construction of Piping: Current Barriers and Route,Applied Sciences,(SCI 检 ),2017, 7(6): 547.


15. Critical Success Factors for Project Planning and Control in Prefabrication Housing Production: A China Study,Sustainability,2018.10(1), 863. SCI检

16. Lean Precast Production System based on the CONWIP Method. KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 2018.7

17. The enhanced cooperation among stakeholders in PPP mega-infrastructure projects: A China studySustainability. 2018.9. SCI检

18. Constraints on the Promotion of Prefabricated Construction in China,Sustainability. 2018.7. SCI检

19. A Framework of Industrialized Building Assessment in China based on Structural Equation Model.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018.9 (SCI/SSCI)

20. An E-Commerce Platform for Industrialized Construction Procurement based on BIM and Linked DataSustainability; doi:10.3390/su10082613. (SCI检索)2018,10,2613

21. A Review of Global Lean Construction during the Past Two Decades: Analysis and VisualizationEngineering Construction and Architectural Management . SCI检. 2019.1

22. Comparative Study of Industrialized Construction Logic between General Prefabricated and Improved Prefabricated Construction in China. Proceedings of the ICCREM 2019. 5

23. Solving the Difficulties and Challenges Facing Construction Based on Concurrent Engineering in Yemen,Sustainability. 2019.7. SCI检

24. A new framework of industrialized construction in China: Towards on-site industrialization,Journal of Cleaner Production, (SCI检索),2020,2

25. 基于建筑产业发展方式的SI住宅与可持续建筑研究. 建筑学报. 2020-02

26.Assessing the Effectiveness of Building Information Modeling in Developing Green Buildings from a Lifecycle Perspective,Sustainability,2020, 12  (SCI检索)

27. Gauging the impacts of urbanization on CO2 emissions from the construction industry: Evidence from ChinaJournal of  Environmental Management. SCI288 (2021) 112440

28. A Holistic Literature Review of Building Information Modeling for Prefabricated ConstructionJournal of Civil Engineering and Management. SCI检2021 Volume 27 Issue 7: 485–499

29. Managing stakeholder-associated risks and their interactions in the life cycle of prefabricated building projects: A social network analysis approachJournal of Cleaner Production. SCI检2021.9

30. Proposing a multifaceted model for adopting prefabricated construction technology in the construction industryEngineering, Construction and Architectural Management. SCI检2021.9

31. Analyzing the factors affecting the diffusion of prefabricated construction technology,Proceedings of the ICCREM 2021 Beijing   p607-614 , EI检,2021.10

32. A dynamic simulation study on the sustainability of prefabricated buildings, Sustainable Cities And Society, 2022 .2. SCI

33. How to promote the sustainable development of prefabricated residential buildings in China: A tripartite evolutionary game analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022.5. SCI/SSCI

34. Interface Management Performance Assessment Framework for Sustainable Prefabricated Construction, Buildings. 2022,5. SCI

35. Critical Factors Influencing Interface Management of Prefabricated Building Projects: Evidence from China, Sustainability ,2022.5. SCI

36. Sustainability evaluation of the prefabricated medical emergency buildings' renovation scheme after the COVID-19, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2022.6. SCI

37. Early Termination Mechanism of Public–Private Partnership Transportation Projects with Government Guarantee,ASCE)Journal of Infrastructure Systems,2022.10. SCI

38. Understanding adoption of high off-site construction level technologies in construction based on the TAM and TTF,Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2022.8,SCI

39. Diffusion prediction of prefabricated construction technology under multi-factor coupling, Building Research & Information (RBRI), 2022.10,SCI

40. Contractor selection for green buildings based on the fuzzy Kano model and TOPSIS: a developer satisfaction perspective, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2022.8,SCI

41. Coupling coordination degree spatio-temporal characteristics and driving factors between new urbanization and construction industry: evidence from China, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2022.8,SCI

42. Exploring the effect of stakeholder relationship quality on technological innovation in off-site construction: the mediating role of the knowledge sharing, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2022.12. SCI

43. Investigating adoption of high prefabrication level technologies for enterprises: an integrated model, Aug,  Building Research & Information (RBRI),51 (6) , pp.648-666,2023.3. SCI

44. Antecedents and consequence of intra-organizational diffusion of prefabricated construction technology: a contingency theory perspective, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Mar 2023, SCI

45. Exploring the Effect of Stakeholder Relationship Quality on Technological Innovation in Off-Site Construction: The Mediating Role of The Knowledge Sharing, Journal Of Civil Engineering And Management. 2023, 29 (1), Pp.77-92, SCI

46. Deciphering the Key Characteristics of On-Site Industrialized Construction: Inspiration from China, Apr 1 2024, Journal of Construction engineering and Management 150 (4), SCI

47. Regeneration diagnosis for the service lifespans of residential buildings on a circular economy perspective, Sep 15 2024, Energy and Buildings 319, SCI

48. Proposing a Lean-Optimized Scheduling Model of Mixed-Flow Prefabricated Component Production in Off-Site Construction, Aug 1 2024, Journal of Construction Engineering and management 150 (8), SCI

49. A multi-attribute group decision-making framework for site selection of waste-to-energy project considering public participation, 2024 Oct, Engineering Construction

and Architectural Management, SCI


3.  装配式混凝土建筑增量成本和节能减排效益分析,获住建部2017年度华夏建设科技三等奖。






* 在读学生人数:博士生5人,硕士生7人
* 毕业学生人数:毕业博士研究生25人,硕士研究生116人

***  现已停止招收研究生!!

Educational ExperienceMore>>

2000.2 2002.9

  • 哈尔滨工业大学
  • Management Science and Engineering

1995.9 1999.6

  • 哈尔滨建筑大学
  • 管理科学与工程
  • Doctoral Degree

1988.9 1991.6

  • 哈尔滨建筑工程学院
  • 建筑经济与管理
  • Master's Degree

Work ExperienceMore>>

2011.11 Now
  • 大连理工大学
  • 系主任
2011.3 Now
  • 大连理工大学
  • 教授博导
2008.5 2011.3
  • 哈尔滨工业大学
  • 教授博导 系主任

Social Affiliations

2017.12 2020.12

  • 委员(住房与城乡建设部工程管理专业评估委员会)

Research Focus

  • 建筑施工与项目管理,住宅产业化,房地产经济与管理,住房保障与管理,现代建筑生产管理,城乡建设管理,建筑企业管理,建筑经济与工程经济等

Research Group
