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Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2022-06-30




Page Number:71-78

ISSN No.:1000-8608

Abstract:The operation system of coastal Ro-Pax terminal is a complex stochastic dynamic logistics system and traffic system, which is difficult to be described effectively by mathematical methods.Therefore, an agent-based microscopic simulation model of Ro-Pax terminal operation system is built using the agent modeling technology and microscopic traffic simulation technology to simulate the operation flow and traffic flow.This model can determine land utilization, operation efficiency, passenger safety, green ecology and other quantitative indicators, which can be used to evaluate the landside layout plan of Ro-Pax terminal and production scheduling quantitatively.The example proves that this agent-based microscopic simulation model of Ro-Pax terminal operation system can evaluate the key index of the planning and layout plan of the Ro-Pax terminal quantitatively so as to provide a reference for the optimization of the planning and layout plan of the Ro-Pax terminal.


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