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Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2022-06-30



Page Number:118-122

ISSN No.:1002-4972

Abstract:Taking the wharf apron of ro-pax terminal where safety accidents may occur as the research area,we put forward a method of conducting refined arrangement and traffic organization in this area to enhance the safety and convenient level of Ro-Pax terminal.A microscopic simulation model for the operation of ro-pax terminal apron is developed to obtain the values of performance indicators,including population-density,port time,walking distance and time of unloading,etc.Taking a ro-pax berth as a study case,we analyze the impact of function zone arrangement and traffic organization on the indicators of terminal performance and choose the optimal scheme of function zone arrangement and traffic organization.The results show that the refinement arrangement of function zone and traffic organization in the wharf apron of ro-pax terminals would help to reduce the safety accident risks and promote operation's convenience.


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