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PhD of physics. Born in Gaocheng, Hebei, China. Reserach topics: plasma physics; edge plasma and plasma surface-interaction in fusion device. Please feel free to contact me via (sang@dlut.edu.cn) if you are interested in my work, and would like to be a master/PhD student. EDUCATION 2003.09-2007.07 Dalian University of Technology, undergraduate in Applied Physics; B.S. degree.. 2007.09-2009.03 Dalian University of Technology, postgraduate in Plasma Physics for master degree. thesis title "Numerical simulation of short pulsed discharged using PIC-MCC model", advisor: Prof. Dezhen Wang. 2009.03-2010.08 Dalian University of Technology, postgraduate in Plasma Physics for doctoral degree, advisor: Prof. Dezhen Wang. 2010.09-2011.08 LSPM-CNRS, Université Paris 13, postgraduate (joint-PhD) in Plasma Physics for doctoral degree, advisor: Dr. Xavier Bonnin, the scholarship of China Scholarship Council. 2011.09-2012.07 Dalian University of Technology, postgraduate in Plasma Physics for doctoral degree, thesis title "Modeling of Divertor Plasma Sheath and Hydrogen Isotope Invenroty in Mixed Materials", advisor: Prof. Dezhen Wang. WORK EXPERIENCES 2012.07 - 2014.04 Dalian university of Technology, postdoctor. 2014.04 - 2015.07 Dalian university of Technology, lecturer. 2014.08 - 2016.08 DIII-D National Fusion Facility (USA), General Atomics, Postdoc. 2015.08 - 2017.12 Dalian university of Technology, Associate professor. 2017.12 - present Dalian University of Technology, Professor Research Field 1.Divertor plasma simulation. Develop particle simulation code Edge Plasma Particle-In-Cell (EPPIC1D&2D) to simulate the plasma sheath in the divertor region including divertor gap. The plasma surface interactions (PSI, mainly the erosion processes) have also been investigated. 2.SOL plasma simulation. Simulate the DSOL plasma using Scrape-Off Layer Plasma Simulation (SOLPS) code package. The investigation concentrations are the plasma transport during ELMy H-mode, the divertor in-out asymmetry, and their effects to the divertor target (resulting erosion, fuel retention etc.). 3.Fuel retention inside the plasma-facing wall. To estimate the fuel retention inside the plasma-facing wall (PFW), a rate-theory based code called Hydrogen Isotope Inventory Processes Code (HIIPC1D&2D) has been developed. HIIPC has been applied to simulate the fuel retention in the mixed materials, in the tungsten gap tiles, bubble growth during plasma irradiation and retention during ELMy H-mode etc. RESEARCH PROJECTS (1) Modeling of hydrogen isotope inventory in the tungsten Wall in the tokamaks, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded Project No. 2012M520613. (2) Modeling of hydrogen isotope retention in the tungsten divertor of fusion device under different discharge operations, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded Project No. 2013T60273. (3) Particle simulation of tokamak scrape-off layer/divertor plasma, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 11305026 (4) National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Science Program No. 2013GB109001.
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