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Scientific Research
Sang Chaofeng
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Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Scientific Research
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wangzhenhou, Sang Chaofeng, Wang Dezhen.Simulation of defect evolution in tungsten during annealing by developing a vacancy and interstitial-type defect evolution model[J],PHYSICA SCRIPTA,99(2)
Wang, Yue, 孙长江, 边于, 吴锦涛, 张铭洲, 彭瑶, 张彦杰, Gao, Shuaishuai, Wang Dezhen, Sang Chaofeng, Li, Nami.Simulation of the impact of particle recycling on the plasma in MPS-LD device based on the BOUT plus plus LPD module[J],CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS,2024
孙长江, 边于, Sang Chaofeng, Wang, Hongyu, Zhang, Yanjie, Yue, Wu, Jintao, Dezhen.Simulation of ion cyclotron resonance heating by using particle-in-cell method in MPS-LD linear plasma device[J],Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,65(3)
Wang, Yilin, 赵学乐, 吴亦晗, 周庆瑞, 张彦杰, Sang Chaofeng, Wang Dezhen.The influence of Ex B drift on tungsten target erosion and W impurity transport during neon seeding on EAST[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,63(9)
王策, Sang Chaofeng, Liu, Jianbin, zhangchen, Wang Dezhen.Modeling of tungsten divertor target erosion induced by impurity during edge-localized modes by using a kinetic model[J],Contributions to Plasma Physics,2024
边于, 王艺霖, 吴亦晗, 张铭洲, 王越, Sang Chaofeng.Development of Monte Carlo neutral transport code and the application to methane seeding plasma detachment[J],Contributions to Plasma Physics,2024
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Research Projects
核聚变堆先进偏滤器研究, 地市厅局(含县)项目, 2022/12/16, 在研
磁约束核聚变装置中边界钨杂质行为模拟研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2022/09/08, 在研
托卡马克偏滤器物理研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2021/08/18, 在研
下一代聚变托卡马克反应堆的先进偏滤器模拟研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2020/06/15-2023/03/31, 结题
偏滤器靶板再循环对等离子体影响的粒子模拟研究, 其他课题, 2018/04/01-2020/06/30, 结题
钨偏滤器运行的基本物理问题研究, 国家科技部, 2017/06/01, 结题