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Paper Publications
Sang Chaofeng
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Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
[1]wangzhenhou, Sang Chaofeng, Wang Dezhen.Simulation of defect evolution in tungsten during annealing by developing a vacancy and interstit...[J],PHYSICA SCRIPTA,99(2)
[2]Wang, Yue, 孙长江, 边于, 吴锦涛, 张铭洲, 彭瑶, 张彦杰, Gao, Shuaishuai, Wang Dezhen, Sang Chaofeng, Li, Nami.Simulation of the impact of particle recycling on the plasma in MPS-LD device based on the BOUT p...[J],CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS,2024
[3]孙长江, 边于, Sang Chaofeng, Wang, Hongyu, Zhang, Yanjie, Yue, Wu, Jintao, Dezhen.Simulation of ion cyclotron resonance heating by using particle-in-cell method in MPS-LD linear p...[J],Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,65(3)
[4]Wang, Yilin, 赵学乐, 吴亦晗, 周庆瑞, 张彦杰, Sang Chaofeng, Wang Dezhen.The influence of Ex B drift on tungsten target erosion and W impurity transport during neon seedi...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,63(9)
[5]王策, Sang Chaofeng, Liu, Jianbin, zhangchen, Wang Dezhen.Modeling of tungsten divertor target erosion induced by impurity during edge-localized modes by u...[J],Contributions to Plasma Physics,2024
[6]边于, 王艺霖, 吴亦晗, 张铭洲, 王越, Sang Chaofeng.Development of Monte Carlo neutral transport code and the application to methane seeding plasma d...[J],Contributions to Plasma Physics,2024
[7]Zhang, Chen, 赵学乐, Wang, Yiling, Wang Dezhen, Sang Chaofeng, Tao, Yuqiang, Jia, Guozhang, Meng, Lingyi, Liang, Bin, Xu, Guosheng.Effects of strike point location on the divertor particle and energy flux decay widths on EAST by...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,64(1)
[8]张铭洲, 边于, Sang Chaofeng, Zhao, M. L., Rognlien, T. D., Zhang, C., Wang, Y. L., Y..UEDGE modeling of plasma detachment of CFETR with ITER-like divertor geometry by external impurit...[J],CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS,2024
[9]Sang Chaofeng, Yao, Damao, Liu, Xiaoju, Si, Hang, Wang Dezhen, Zhou, Qingrui, Xu, Guosheng, Wang, Liang, Yilin, Zhao, Xuele, zhangchen, Ding, Rui, Jia, Guozhang.Design of EAST lower divertor by considering target erosion and tungsten ion transport during the...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,61(6)
[10]Liu, J. B., wukai, liushengchun, Sang Chaofeng, Meng, L. Y., Feng, W., Hyatt, A., Leonard, A. W., Thomas, D., zhangtao, zhoutingfan, wangli1, Xiao, B. J., guohaiyan, wanghaiquan, Xu, G. S., Eric Ding, J. C., liuxiaojing, Yuan, Q. P..Divertor detachment and asymmetry in H-mode operation with an ITER-like tungsten divertor in EA...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,59(12)
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