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Study on liquid oxygen compatibility of bromine-containing epoxy resins for the application in liquid oxygen tank


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2016-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:98-108

ISSN No.:1042-7147

Key Words:epoxy resin; liquid oxygen; compatibility; flame retardancy; mechanical impact

Abstract:The liquid oxygen compatible epoxy resin was obtained by the polycondensation between tetrabromobisphenol A and neat epoxy resins. The results of liquid oxygen impact test indicated that the synthetic epoxy resins were compatible with liquid oxygen. The relationship between impact reaction sensitivity (IRS) and flame retardancy were studied by liquid oxygen impact test and limiting oxygen index test. The results showed that the flame-retardant modification of epoxy resin was valuable to reduce the IRS. The thermal gravimetric analysis results indicated that the Br center dot radical was quickly released in relatively low temperature (approximately 370 degrees C) for compatible epoxy resin. The Br center dot radical was a key factor to promote the epoxy resin compatible with the liquid oxygen. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to survey the distribution of functional groups on the surface of samples before and after impact. The results showed that the oxidation reaction and carbonization process may occur on the surface of samples after impact. The liquid oxygen compatibility mechanism is proposed in this paper. The bromine-containing epoxy resin has the potential to be the material used in liquid oxygen tank. Copyright (C) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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