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Microscopic damage mechanisms of fibre reinforced composite laminates subjected to low velocity impact


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2016-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI


Page Number:148-156

ISSN No.:0927-0256

Key Words:Fibre reinforced composite; Low velocity impact; Damage mechanisms; Multiscale modelling; Finite element method (FEM)

Abstract:This paper presents an integrated multiscale model for the simulation of fibre reinforced polymeric composite laminate subjected to low velocity impact. The multiscale model is based on the embedded cell method, with detailed microstructure embedded into the macro laminate beneath the impact point, and a transition zone is introduced to link these two scales. Damage model is considered for the fibres and plastic behaviour for the matrix, and cohesive elements are used for the simulation of interface delamination. Both unidirectional and layup embedded cells are considered in the simulation so as to reveal the impact damage mechanisms from monolayer to layup levels. The simulation results indicate matrix cracking is the first damage form which occurs at the bottom of the laminate, and then delamination is induced when the matrix crack propagates to the interface, followed by fibre pull-out and fibre breakage. The simulation results are compared with available experimental results from literatures, with good agreements achieved between them on the damage morphologies. Thus the ability of the presented multiscale model to reveal the damage mechanisms of composite laminate under low velocity impact is validated. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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